political action, political systems, state, models of democracy, power, authority and rule of law :)
The set of activities aimed at working for the public interest and governing a community for the common good.
Political Science/Politology
The study of politics.
Political Triad
The multidimensional nature of politics, consisting of procedural dimension (how decisions are made), institutional dimension (who makes the decisions), and content/material dimension (what the decisions are about).
Public Policy
The content of political decision making that concerns all aspects of life and aims to achieve the common good.
The power and legitimacy derived from winning elections in a democracy.
General Policy
Policies that are based on territory, such as local, regional, national, or global policies.
Specific Policies
Policies that are based on specific topics, such as health, foreign, tourism, tax, economic, agricultural, financial, educational, or military policies.
Political Actors
Individuals or groups who are politically active, including politicians, citizens, civil society organizations, interest groups, social movements, and big corporations.
Active Citizen
A citizen who participates in the public sphere defending their own interests and expressing their own specifics.
An individual in a state who can be an active citizen or a member of the nation-state.
A politically sovereign people, usually within a country, who have their own national identity and symbols.
The supreme and independent power or authority in a state, which is unrestricted on a specific territory and within internationally recognized borders.
National Minorities
Smaller ethnic groups who are part of a nation and are protected in modern democratic countries.
The process in which a minority abandons their customs and adopts the customs of the majority.
Melting Pot
The mixing of different cultures and the creation of a new cultural group.
Cultural Pluralism
The coexistence of different ethnic groups regardless of their number.
Political Action
Actions taken by individuals or groups to impact political power, including physical political action, political writings, and political communication.
Political Culture
The values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape political actions and participation.
Rule of Law
The legal and political concept that requires all parts of society to act according to the law.
The chance that an individual in a social relationship can achieve through their own will, even against the resistance of others.
The acceptance of authority by subordinates and the right of those above them to give them orders, based on traditional beliefs and winning elections.
Being in conformity with the law.
Separation of Powers
The division of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government to prevent misuse of power.
The highest legal act of a country that defines its political system and serves as the basis for all other legal acts.
Regulations that apply equally to all citizens and must be in harmony with the constitution and moral values.
The minimum number of representatives in the parliament necessary to pass a law.
Legal State
A state in which the authorities stick to legal principles, rules, and procedures.
Moral Responsibility
Respecting the moral norms of society and behaving ethically.
Political Responsibility
Taking responsibility for mistakes made when making decisions and facing public condemnation and distrust.
Dishonest behavior that works towards one's own interests at the expense of others, such as misuse of power, bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism.
Transparency International Hrvatska (TIH)
A non-profit organization in Croatia dedicated to increasing responsibility and fighting corruption on a national scale.
Political Systems
The seven basic types of political systems are democracy, republic, monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, dictatorship, and totalitarianism.
A form of government in which a group, usually a family representing a dynasty, embodies the country's national identity at its head.
A form of government in which the primary positions of power are attained through elections, expressing the consent of the governed.
A form of government in which the rule of the majority is present, along with the protection of minorities, based on pluralism.
Separation of Powers
The division of powers among different branches of government, such as the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.
Direct Democracy
A government in which the people represent themselves and vote directly for new laws and public policy.
Representative Democracy
A government in which the people elect representatives to create and implement public policy on their behalf.
A form of government in which the government has little popular support but does not control all aspects of life, often leaving economic, religious, cultural, and family issues to individual decision-making.
A form of government in which the government has complete control over all segments of life, with only one political party and its members occupying the most important positions in society.
A political entity that provides a territory for people to live in, a government to govern and organize society, and a sense of security for its citizens.
Unitary State
A state governed as a single power in which the central government is ultimately supreme and any administrative divisions exercise only the power delegated by the central government.
A political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions under a central (federal) government that is superior to its units.
Human Rights
Basic rights of every born person, including civil and political rights, economic, social, and cultural rights, and rights concerning the problems of modern society.