Play ball
To agree to work with or help someone
Soldier on
To continue to do something though it is difficult; plough on
Deck out
To dress someone in special clothes, or decorate something in special occasions
Spoken or done without preparation
A very bright show of color, lights or colors
It’s all water under the bridge
Used to say that something is in the past and it would be better to forget it.
Storm => Barnstorming
A barnstorming performance is the one that is very interesting.
Be cloaked in something
To be hidden in something
Cloak (n) => Cloack- and dagger
Activities that are mysterious, secret, sometimes in a way that people think it is unnecessary
Slander (n)
The action of making false spoken statement damaging one’s reputation
A person who leads a solitary life
The scoop on
The latest information into somebody’s life
Famous and often talked about, but rarelly seen
Used to describe a group of people who are considered the least famous
Practice what you preach
To do exactly the same as you have told other people
Great care that is taken to notice any signs of danger or trouble
Ante up
To give money in an unwilling way
Exercised about
To be concerned or nervous about something
Spending spree
A brief period of doing something more than usual
A person who makes a long and determined effort to achieve something that they believe to be right or to stop something they believe to be wrong
The state of being equal
Periphery => On the periphery of something
To be on the less important, central part of something
Large in quantity, abundant
Dug your heels/toes in
To refuse to do something or change your mind about something
Used to describe something unpleasant
Brown envelope journalism
The practice of receiving money from any particular party to write highly of them
Prop up
To help something that is having difficulties
Bump somebody off
To kill, murder somebody
Lame => Lame-duck
A person or organization that is not very successful and therefore needs help
Sign (n) => Insignia
The symbol, badge that shows somebody’s ranks or that they are a member of an organization
Keep things in perspective
To check something realistically
Official approval of something, given by a member in authority
To take control of somebody’s properties or assets until their debt has been paid
Hard lines
Bad luck
Intending to provoke people to upturn their government
Money grabber
Someone who has money as their main interests and will do anything to get a lot of it
Meddle [in/with]
To involve yourselves in something that should not really involve you
Tart up
To decorate or improve the appearance of something, often in a way that other people do not think it is attractive
Used to describe a very large, single organization that are very slow to change
In the doldrums
In a difficult situation
A person who is lazy to persuade
Economy => Econometrician
A person who uses statistics and mathematics to study, model and predict economic principles
To damage the opinion that people have of somebody/something
Pare something down
To reduce something to the level at which only what is necessary is needed
Due intelligence
The action that is considered reasonable for people to take in order to keep themselves or other properties safe
Shooting pains
sudden pains that move through the body
Schism => Schismogenesis
The creation of division
Doubt => Redoubtable
very strong, especially in character
Social => Socialite
Someone, especially those of a higher class, usually goes to a lot of parties.
A main road for public use or a passage through somewhere
Comings and goings
Movement or activity
Deliberate determination to behave in a way that most people think is wrong
Pots and pans
Cookware and bakeware
A spirit that looks exactly like a living person
Verbose (a) => Verbiage (n)
The use of too many words, of more difficult words than needed, to express ideas
Slanging match
An argument in which both people use angry, uncontrolled language and insult each other
Take someone to task for
To critizie or speak angrily to someone
Take up the cudgels
To argue strongly in favor of or against something
Nose (n) => Rhinoplasty
phau thuat nang mui
A slight increase in something/someone
Devil’s workshop
A fertile ground for idle, lazy people
[like] rats deserting/leaving a shinking ship
Used to describe a person who leave an organization that is having difficulty
Fall by the wayside
To fail to finish an activity
A formal speech made on a public occasion
To move quietly and carefully around an area.
Faux pas
Action that causes somebody to feel ambarrassed because it is not socially correct
To show a lot of help for somebody
Slur over
To discuss, treat or deal with a particular problem in a superficial way
Measure up
To be as good, successful as expected
Watch (v) => Binge-watch
To watch a series of episodes of TV show on more than one occasion, usually by means of DVDs or digital streaming.
Brain (n) => Feather-brained/Scatter-brained/ Rattle-brained
Very silly
God (n) => God-forshaken
[of a place] boring, depressing and ugly
Pull your punches
To express something less strongly than you are able to
The stuff of the dream:
The kind of dream that you are exactly hoping for.
To severely criticize somebody
To work hard and steadily at something, especially something that takes a long time.
To treat somebody unfairly by not giving them the right treatment
Harmony or agreement
Jerk (n) => Tear-jerky/Tear-kerker
A book, film or story that evokes sadness or empty.
Deserving or causing public disgrace
Tasting or smelling unpleasant because of not being fresh.
An action of moving downward; dropping
Roll up one’s sleeves
To prepare for hard work
Run off
To leave someone or somewhere suddenly
Cream off
Make an excessive profits from transactions
To spoil something by doing it badly
To kill someone by covering their face that they cannot breathe.
A curse or comment that is offensive
Relating to the pleasant aspect of the countryside
Go off the rails
To start to behave in a strange way
Hem and haw
To hesitate, be decisive
As naked as a jaybird
Completely naked
Gourmet food
Food of higher quality
Anger, argument and bad feeling
To promise to pay somebody an amount of money if they suffer any loss or damage
Show a strong and unreasonable desire to harm or upset somebody.
Eating too much, typical of a person eating too much
Reverse => Reverential
Showing deep respect
Meet one’s match
To compete unsuccessfully with someone