*-The Hull House was created as a social settlement in order to support the less wealthy urban workers. Was founded by both Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Star. Was built in their dilapidated mansion on the west side of Chicago and proved as a catalyst for community improvement and political reform. The house was first intended by Addams to provide art classes and other cultural programs to the less fortunate. But, during the depression of the 1890s the Hull house struggled to stay open. Eventually, the Hull house would offer a bathhouse, playground, kindergarten, and daycare center.*
*-Addams and the Hull House would turn to measures to make life easier for women and work to improve things like health in the tenements. She has people inspecting the neighborhoods to find any safety violations and could together rally and go to the city was a complaint. Allowed women to join together to deal with a variety of injustices including but not limited to health threats at factories, jail for teenagers, fighting for birthcontrol and safer childbearing practices, social work, charity, and more.*