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Study of the human body and the structures
Study of the functions of the body
Study of tiny structures found in tissues ; AKA microscopic anatomy
Basic unit of all living things
What does the cell structure consist of?
Protoplasm, Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Cell membrane
Colorless jellylike substance found in cells
Control center of the cell
Surrounds nucleus and is a watery fluid for growth, reproductions, and repair
Encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to enter and leave the cell
Cell membrane
Cell reproduction; when the cell divides into two daughter cells
What are the two phases of metabolism?
Anabolism and Catabolism
Chemical process that takes place in living organisms through which cells are nourished
Process of building up molecules
Process of breaking down molecules
Fibrous tissue binds together, protects, and supports various parts of the body
Connective tissue
Protective tissue such as skin, tissue inside the mouth, digestive and respiratory
Epithelial tissue
Contracts and moves various body parts
Muscle tissue
Carries messages to and from the brain. Coordinates and controls all bodily functions
Nerve tissue
Technical term for fat giving contour to the body
Structures composing of specialized tissues designed to perform specific functions in plants and animals
Groups of organs actively together perform one or more functions. There are 11 of these in the body
Body systems
Covers, shapes, and holds the skeletal system in place; contracts and moves various parts of the body
Muscular system
Enables breathing, supplying the body with oxygen, and eliminating carbon dioxide as a waste product; consists of the lungs and its passages
Respiratory system
Breaks down foods into nutrients and waste; consists of mouth, stomach, intestines, salivary and other organs
Digestive system
Gives shape and support. Protects the structures and the organs and serves as attachments for muscles
Skeletal system
Controls steady circulation through the body by means of heart and blood vessels
Circulatory system
Produces offspring and passes on the genetic code from one generation to another
Reproductive system
Affects the growth, development, sexual functions and health of the entire body; consists of specialized glands
Endocrine system
Purifies the body by eliminating all waste matter; consists of the kidney, liver, skin, large intestines and lungs
Excretory system
Controls and coordinates all other systems of the body and makes them work harmoniously and efficiently. It is composed of the brain, spinal cord and nerves
Nervous system
Serves as a protecting covering and helps regulate the body's temperature. It consists of the skin and accessory organs such as oil and sweat glands, sensory receptors, hair and nails
Integumentary system
Protects the body from disease by developing immunities and destroying disease causing toxins
Lymphatic/Immune system
Muscular system; the muscle that covers the bridge of the nose
Muscular system; muscles that straighten the wrist, hand and fingers to form a straight line
Muscular system, the scalp muscle responsible for drawing the scalp forward
The study of the nature, structure, function and disease of the muscles
Muscular system; the muscles of mastication
Medial Pterygoid, Temporalis, Masseter
Muscular system; muscles that are voluntary or consciously controlled
Striated Muscle
Muscular system; the muscle of the neck that lowers and rotates the head
Muscular system; the muscle that originates at the upper portion of the fibula and bends the foot down
Peroneus Brevis
Muscular system; the broad muscle that covers the top of the skull
In massage, pressure is directed from ...?
Insertion to origin
Muscular system; the ring muscle of the eye socket that controls the ability to close ones eyes
Orbicularis Oculi
Muscles are responsible for what perrcentage of the body's weight?
Muscular system; muscle found in the heart but not in other parts of the body
Cardiac Muscle
Muscular system; muscle that draws the scalp backward
Muscular system; muscles of the chest that assist in the swinging movement of the arms
Muscular system; muscular wall that separates the thorax from the abdominal region and helps control breathing
Muscular system; the extensor muscles involved with the bending of the wrist
Muscular system; muscle of the mouth thatbdraws the corners of the mouth back and out
Risorius Muscle
Part of the muscle that doesn't move
Digestive system; chemicals that change food into a soluble form that can be used by the body
Digestive Enzymes
Skeletal system; light, spongy bone between the eye sockets
Ethmoid Bone
Skeletal system; the bone that forms the forehead
Frontal Bone
Skeletal system; two bones that form the bridge of the nose
Nasal Bones
Skeletal system; the bone of the cranium that forms the back of the skull above the nape
Occipital Bone
Skeletal system; the largest and strongest bone of the face
Skeletal system; 2 bones that form the sides and top of the cranium
Parietal Bones
Skeletal system; another name for wrist
How many bones are in the foot?
Skeletal system; the largest bone of the arm, extending down from the elbow to the shoulder
Skeletal system; forms the kneecap joint
The study of anatomy, structure, and function of the bones
Skeletal system; the flay bone that forms the ventral support of the ribs
Skeletal system; the U-shaped bone at the base of the tongue that supports the tongue and its muscles
Hyoid Bone
The muscular is one of these
Toe Phalanges
Skeletal system; the connection between 2 or more bones of the skeleton
What does not compose the ankle joint?
Skeletal system; with exception of the teeth, hardest tissue in the body
Skeletal system; small, thin bones lscted at the inner wall of the orbits
Lacrimal Bones
Skeletal system; the skull is divided into 2 parts, the cranium, which protects the brain, and the ....
Facial Skeleton
Skeletal system; the inner and larger bone of the fore arm located on the side of the little finger
Circulatory system; collects blood from the capillaries and drains it into veins
Circulatory system; the heart is enclosed in a double membrane sac known as ....
Circulatory system; blood plasma found in the spaces between tissue cells
Interstitial Fluid
Circulatory system; contributes to the blood clotting process
Circulatory system; NOT a major artery that supplies blood to lower leg and foot
Posterior Auricular Artery
Circulatory system; artery that supplies blood to the brain, eyelids, eyes, forehead, nose and internal ear
Internal Carotid
Approximately how many pints of blood are in the body?
8 to 10
Favorable conditions for mitosis include suitable temperatures, ability to eliminate waste, and adequate supply of ...
Food, oxygen, and water
The functionof white blood cells is to destroy disease causing ....
Endocrine system; specialized organs that remove elements from the blood and convert them into new compounds
Endocrine system; endocrine gland that controls metabolism
Excretory system; NOT an example of connective tissue
Excretory system; body organ that removes waste created by digestion
Nervous system; located at the side of the neck
Greater Auricular Nerve
Nervous system; nerve tissue composed of special cells that makeup nerves, brain, and spinal cord
Nervous system; an automatic nerve reaction to a stimulus that produces movement
Nervous system; sensory nerve endings located close to the surface of the skin
Nervous system; sensory nerve of the face that controls the muscles involved with chewing
Fifth Cranial Nerve, Trigeminal Nerve, Trifacial Nerve
Nervous system; nerves that carry impulses from the brain to the muscles
Motor Nerves
Nervous system; the portion of the central nervous system that originates in the brain and extends down the lower trunk
Spinal Cord
Nervous system; the nervous system that carries impulses or messages to the central nervous system
Peripheral Nervous System
Scientific study of the structure, function, and pathology of the nervous system
Nervous system; a branch of the fifth cranial nerve affected by massage
Mental Nerve
Nervous system; nervous system that controls are voluntary muscle actions
Autonomic Nervous System
Nervous system; nerve of the Lowe leg and foot. AKA anterior tibial nerve
Deep Peroneal Nerve
Nervous system; a tree-like branching of nerve fibers