Designing IIR Filters

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Designing filters involves the

mapping and transformation of well-known continuous time filter designs to discrete time ones

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Impulse Invariance means that the

Impulse response of the digital filter will be similar to that of the continuous time filter

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How can the impuulse response of a CT Filter be similar to that of a DT Filter or Digital filters

by sampling of the impulse response of the CT Filter

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Impulse invariance maps the _ to -

S domain to the Z domain

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Design Procedure of Digital filters when using Impulse invariance involves

  • Starting with an analogue prototype or Transfer Function H(s)

  • Find the inverse Laplace Transform to obtain analogue prototype impulse response h(t)

  • Sample the impulse response h[n] = h[nT]

  • The desired transfer function is found by taking the z transform of h[n]

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Result of Sampling the analogue prototype impulse response gives

  • an impulse response of the discrete filter h[n] that is identical to the analogue filter at t = nT

  • sampling in the time domain will cause frequency aliasing

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Impulse response transformation involves

the conversion of t→ n = nT

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Frequency Response Transformation involves

the conversion of ώ → Ω = ώT

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Design Limitations of the Impulse Invariance is

  • The frequency response of the CT filter has to be bandlimited for aliasing not to occur

  • High pass and band -stop filter design is not possible with impulse invariance

  • Practical continuous time filters are not exactly band limited and some aliasing occurs

  • In practise to compensate for aliasing the continuous time filter may be overdesigned ( lower cut- off, higher attenuation in stop-band)

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Impulse invariance indirectly maps the

s-plane to the z-plane through sampling of the impulse response

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Bilinear Transformation

applies a non-linear mapping of the analogue frequency axis to the digital frequency one

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IIR filter design steps involve

  • specification of the continuous -time prototype low-pass filter

  • frequency transformation of the analogue prototype low-pass filter

  • transformation of the CT filter to DT filter

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Types of Analogue prototype filters

  • Butterworth Analogue filter

  • Chebychev Analogue Filter

  • Elliptic analogue filter

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Butterworth Analogue Filter

  • Maximal flatness at Ω = 0 and Ω = ∞

  • Maximum distortion at Ω = Ω_c

  • Not a very sharp cut-off

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Chebychev filter specification

  • Equiripple passband (type I)

  • Equiripple stopband (type II)

  • sharper cut off compared to butterworth

  • lower order filter needed to satisfy the requirements

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if the chebychev and butterwort filter have the same design specification for passband and stop band edge , pass band ripple and minimum attenuation, Who has a better performance

Chebychev because it has a sharper transition band

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non linear mapping involves

−∞≤ώ≤∞ → −π≤ώ≤π

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properties of bilinear transformation

  • stable CT filter maps to a stable DT filter i.e half of s plane maps to inside the unit circle

  • the jώ axis maps on the unit circle

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s and z relationship is given as

s = 2/T[(1-z¹)/(1-z¹)]

where z¹ = z^-1

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ώ relationship to Ω

ώ = 2/T tan(Ω/2)

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Frequency Warping

non-linear compression of the frequency axis

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to solve the problem of frequency warping or to compensate the warping effect

pre-warp the frequency design specifications of the DTfilter using


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Steps in using pre-warping to get desired analogue frequency

  • The desired stop- band frequency is given

  • Pre-warp to get analogue filters requires stop band frequency

  • bilinear transformation is applied s → z

  • results in a digital filter with the desired stop-band

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Design Procedure using Bilinear Transformation

  • Incorporate frequency axis pre-warping as appropriate

  • select analogue filter prototype H(s) to satisfy design spec (Butterworth, Chebychev)

  • Apply Frequency Transformation ( changing from lowpass to any type)

  • Evaluate H(s) and apply bilinear transform to obtain H(z)

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Bilinear Transformation Disadvantages

  • Frequency axis warping

  • Distortion of phase characteristics

  • Distortion of time domain characteristics

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Direct Optimisation

  • Specify the design objectives

  • Choose filter structure and paramters

  • Select optimisation tool to find the optimal or sub optimal set of filter parameters

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