Potential Verbs
Verbs that express the ability to do something.
Potential る Verbs
Verbs that form potential by dropping the final る and adding られる (e.g., 食べる → 食べられる).
Potential う Verbs
Verbs that form potential by dropping the final う and adding える (e.g., 買う → 買える).
Potential Irregular Verbs
Verbs that have unique potential forms (e.g., 来る → 来られる, する → できる).
Particles for Potential Verbs
Potential verbs can use both を and が, with exceptions for できる and のぼる.
A particle that expresses contrast or limitation
A conjunction used for listing reasons
な-adjectives with し
Adjectives that take on a だ before the し (e.g., 好きだし).
Frequency Expression
Describes frequency using the (period)に(frequency) format
A form added to adjectives to express appearance bearing resemblance
A structure expressing the idea of trying something
An adjective expressing desires, limited to the first person
A verb form expressing someone else's desires
Describes doing something for someone else
A structure for giving advice
Expresses possibility
Number + も
Structure to express quantities as significant amounts, “as much as”
Volitional Form
A casual form to suggest plans (e.g., 食べよう).
Volitional + と思っています
Used to express resolutions/intentions that have already been decided on
A phrase used to ask for clarification
Describes an action performed in preparation
Describes someone doing something for you, an expression of gratitude towards the giver
Describes receiving something from somebody as a persuasion, arrangement, or favor
Volitional + と思います
Used to express resolutions/intentions made on the spot
Number + しか + neg
Structures to express quantities as insignificant, “as few as” or “only”