German state that unified Germany in 1871.
Triple Alliance
Military alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy.
Franco-Russian Alliance
Alliance between France and Russia against Germany.
Triple Entente
Alliance of Great Britain, France, and Russia.
Intense pride for one's homeland in Europe.
Right of nations to govern themselves.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
His assassination triggered World War I.
Prolonged deadlock in trench warfare.
Central Powers
Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria.
American Neutrality
U.S. policy to avoid involvement in WWI.
Information to influence public opinion.
British ship sunk by Germany, killing 1,200.
German submarines used in naval warfare.
Sussex Pledge
Germany's promise to stop sinking merchant ships.
Zimmermann Telegram
Proposal for Mexico to ally with Germany.
Selective Service
System for drafting soldiers into military service.
Discrimination in Army
Prejudice faced by African American soldiers.
Women in WWI
First war with official female military service.
Cooperative Economy
Partnership between government and business during mobilization.
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Germany's policy of sinking ships without warning.
American Prosperity
Tied to Allied victory through loans.
Balkan Crisis
National groups sought independence from empires.
Arms Race
Competition for military superiority between nations.
Military Recruitment
Efforts to increase soldier numbers for war.