nonverbal communication
messages expressed without words, such as body movements, facial expressions, eye contact, tone of voice, and so on
expectancy violation
the proposition that nonverbal cues cause physical and/or emotional arousal, especially if they deviate from what is considered normal. people who consider a particular nonverbal violation to be positive may accommodate (respond similarly), but they are likely to compensate (respond with opposite or distancing behavior) if they find it unpleasant
affect displays
facial expressions, body movements, and vocal traits that reveal emotional states
deliberate gestures with precise meanings, known to virtually all members of a culture group
truth bias
the tendency to assume that others are being honest
deception bias
the tendency to assume that others are lying
the study of body movements, facial expressions, gesture and posture
movement in which a person grooms, massages, rubs, holds, pinches, picks, or otherwise manipulates an object or body part
affect blend
the combination of two or more expressions, each showing a different emotion
nonlinguistic means of vocal expression: rate, pitch, tone, and so on
vocal interruption such as stammering and use of “uh,” “ummmm",” and “er”
the study of touch
the study of how people and animals use space
intimate distance
a distance between people that ranges from touching to about 18in; usually by those who are emotionally close
personal distance
a distance between people that ranges from 18in to about 4ft; common among most relational partners
social distance
a distance between people that ranges from 4-12ft; commonly used by people who work together or interact during sales interactions
public distance
a distance between people that exceeds 12ft; common in public speaking
the tendency to claim spaces or things as one’s own, at least temporarily
the study of how humans use and structure time
the use of time that emphasizes punctuality, schedules, and completing one task at a time
the use of time that emphasizes flexible schedules in which multiple tasks are pursued at the same time