Vocabulary for English II
Adversary (noun)
An enemy,opponent
SYNONYM: Antagonist,foe
ANTONYM: Friend,ally,supporter
Alienate (verb)
To turn away,to make indifferent or hostile
SYNONYM: Separate,drive apart,estrange
ANTONYM: Befriend,attract,captivate
Artifice (Noun)
A skillful or ingenious device; a clever trick
SYNONYM: Ruse,Stratagem,contrivance
Coerce (Verb)
To compel,force
Craven (adjective or noun)
Cowardly; a coward
SYNONYM: Fearful, fainthearted
ANTONYM: Brave,courageous,valiant
Culinary (Adjective)
Of or Related to cooking or the kitchen.
Demise (noun)
A death,especially of a person in a lofty position
SYNONYM: Decrease,passing away
ANTONYM: Birth,commencement
Exhilarate (Verb)
To enliven,cheer,give spirit or liveliness to
SYNONYM: Stimulate,excite,gladden
Fallow (Adjective,noun,Verb)
Plowed but not seeded,inactive or land left unseeded or to plow but not see
SYNONYM: Unproductive,dormant
ANTONYM: Productive,fertile
Harass (Verb)
To disturb,worry;to trouble by repeated attacks
SYNONYM: Annoy,bedevil
Inclement (adjective)
Stormy,harsh; severe in attitude or action
SYNONYM: Blustery,tempestuous,implacable
ANTONYM: Mild,gentle,balmy
Liquidate (verb)
To pay a debt,settle an account;to eliminate
SYNONYM: Reconcile,pay,cancel,exterminate
ANTONYM: Invest,collect
Muse (verb)
To think about in a dreamy way,ponder
SYNONYM: Contemplate,daydream
Negligible (adjective)
So unimportant that it can be disregarded
SYNONYM: Trivial,inconsequential,insignificant
ANTONYM: Significant,crucial,momentous
Perpetuate (verb)
To make permanent or long lasting
SYNONYM: Continue,preserve,prolong indefinitely
ANTONYM: Discontinue,abolish
Punitive (adjective)
Inflicting or aiming at punishment
SYNONYM: Penalizing,retaliatory
Redress (Verb,noun)
To set right,remedy or relief from wrong or injury
SYNONYM: Correct,mitigate
Sojourn (noun or verb)
A temporary stay or to stay for a time
SYNONYM: Visit,brief stay
urbane (adjective)
Refined in manner or style,suave
SYNONYM: elegant
ANTONYM: Crude or uncouth