What are the 2 divisions of the nervous system
central nervous system
-peripheral nervous system
The central nervous system is composed of the
brain and the spinal cord
The peripheral nervous system divides into the
somatic and autonomic nervous system
The peripheral nervous system's nerves include
all the other nerves of the body
The autonomic nervous system is (involuntary/voluntary)
the autonomic nervous system is the involuntary control of the
visceral organs
The autonomic nervous system splits into the
parasympathetic nervous system and sympathetic nervous system
State of parasympathetic nervous system
rest & digest e.g. decrease heart rate
State of sympathetic nervous system
fight & flight e.g. increase heart rate
Just like the somatic nervous system, the autonomic nervous system also has
visceral afferents and visceral efferents
Visceral afferents are
sensory inputs from organs e.g. pain
Visceral effents are
motor inputs to organs e.g. Peristalsis, dilation or constriction or blood vessels
Information in the sympathetic nervous system travels through a structure called the
sympathetic chain
A ganglia is a
concentration of cell bodies
The spinal cord: white matter is composed of
myelinated axons
The spinal cord: gray matter is composed of
cell bodies
The spinal cord: there is also a lateral horn
only present in the thoracic region associated with autonomic nervous system
The lateral horn is where
the information for the autonomic nervous system comes from the spinal cord
From the central nervous system to the target organ, there are 2
neuron chain responses
2 neuron chain responses of the sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system
preganglionic neuron and postganglionic neuron
Characteristics of preganglionic neurons
myelinated and begin in the CNS
Characteristics of postganglionic neurons
Unmyelinated and synapse with neuron from CNS in the periphery
Preganglionic neuron of the sympathetic nervous system is
Preganglionic neuron of the parasympathetic nervous system is
postganglionic neuron of the sympathetic nervous system is
postganglionc neuron of the parasympathetic nervous system is
Synapses of the sympathetic nervous system
Synapses of the parasympathetic nervous system
Origin of the sympathetic nervous system
T1-L2 are the branches to
a sympathetic chain/trunk that runs the whole length of the vertebral column but only attaches at these points
Origin of the parasympathetic nervous system
cranial and sacral nerves
Cranial nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system
CN III CN VII CN IX CN X - vagus nerve
Sacral nerve levels of the parasympathetic nervous system
The sympathetic chain/trunk
a chain of paravertebral ganglia which receives input from spinal cord levels T1-L2
The sympathetic trunk is connected to
the ventral ramus of our spinal nerves
There are white and grey communicans. This is how...
the info will leave/enter spinal cord/spinal nerve
4 sympathetic pathways
same level target organ
different level target organ
splanchnic nerve
direct synapse with preganglionic neuron
In all pathways
The preganglionic neuron will start in the lateral horn, leave the spinal cord through the ventral root, go through the spinal nerve and uses the white ramus communicans to come into the sympathetic chain
then...1-same pathway level
There, it will synapse in a ganglia at the same level and it will leave using the grey ramus communicans and exit at the same level through the ventral ramus to reach the target organ
different level target organ
The preganglionic neuron will then go up or down the sympathetic chain and synapse with the postganglionic neuron in a ganglia at a different spinal level and exit through the grey communicans and the ventral ramus
There are no lateral horns or white ramus communicans higher than ___ or lower than___
higher than T1 or lower than L2 b/c the preganglionic neuron cannot enter the chain outside these levels
splanchnic nerve
The preganglionic neuron will then leave the sympathetic chain through splanchnic nerves and synapse with a postganglionic neuron in a prevertebral ganglion to reach abdominal and pelvic organs
4.direct synapse with preganglionic neuron
The preganglionic neuron will then leave the sympathetic chain through splanchnic nerves and synapse directly with the target organ. There is no postganglionic neuron involved in this pathway
Review slide 1
Review slide 2
Sympathetic chain lab slide