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Semantic Encoding
encoding of an experience or facts based on its meaning.
Acoustic Encoding
encoding of sounds
Visual Processing
encoding of picture images
Parallel Processing
encoding on multiple levels simultaneously
Effortful Processing
consciously attempting to remember something[studying, flashcards, repetition]
Explicit[Declarative] Memories
facts & experience we can consciously recall. “stuff we know”.
Automatic Processing
memories that become processed without effort.
Implicit[Nondeclarative] Memories
remembering how to do an action without thinking about it. “Muscle memory”.
Sensory Memory
the immediate, initial recording of sensory info in the memory system.
Iconic Memory
Echoic Memory
Memory for hearing. Slightly longer than iconic.
Cocktail Party Phenomenon
the ability to tune out other conversations as noise & focus on the one we want to hear.
Short-Term Memory
hold a few items briefly. limited in duration & capacity.
Visual Short-Term Memory
primarily for faces.
Central Executive
short term memory processes everything that we are currently thinking about with everything we already know.
Shallow Processing
emphasis on the physical structurehgb