Stratford, England
Apr. 23, 1564
John and Mary Shakespeare
death day
Apr. 23, 1564
very rigorous- translate to/from latin
Anne Hathaway 8ys+
marriage theme in plays
most marriages in his plays were very unhappy ones.
3 children
Hamnet, Susanna, Judith- Hamnet died at 11 of plauge-like symptoms
150 of them- lesser known
37- best known for- written very quickly
Ben Jonson
Created a portfolio of Shakespeare's works after his death
buried where?
source of conspiracy theories
The globe theater
acted in it and wrote plays for its guests/ owned a large percentage of it/ It cost one penny/ anyone could attend- people would even stand on the ground/ open ceilings for lighting.
QUOTE!!!!!- cowards die...
Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, It seems to me most strange that men should fear, Seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come.
3 techniques used by Shakespeare
Archaic words (2) Contractions (3) inverted sentance structure
Act 1 painting
"caesar refusıng the crown"- antonio belluci
Act 2 painting
The Ides of March- Edward John Poynter
Act 3 painting
Mark Antony Looks Upon Caesar’s Corpse- Bela Čikoš Sesija
Act 4 painting
The Ghost of Caesar- William Blake
Act 5 painting
the death of brutus- thıs hand-colored engravıng was created by sebınonellı usıng a paıntıng by robert smırke.