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psychotherapy def
treating mental conditions using verbal communication + interaction
(psychotherapy = therapists)
action therapy def
directly changing troublesome habits and behavior
(taking action)
aversion therapy def
paring a unpleasant experience with a behavior you wanna get rid over
(avers = avoid bc its unpleasant)
conjoined therapy def
male + female therapists working with troubled couple
(conjoined boy and girl in therapy)
non-directive therapy def
therapist takes charge and guides / influences the direction of the therapy
(opposite of what you think)
father of client-centered therapy
Kaul Rogers
(rogERs - centERed)
client centered therapy def
therapist says very little and lets the client take control of the session to discover their own issues come up with their own solutions
non directive therapy def
therapy helping ppl understand their feelings, thoughts, emotions
(non-directive = basic)
group therapy def
multi[le people treated at once
psychoanalysis def
helping ppl understand how their past impacts their present
(analysis of the past)
client centered therapy def
client takes the reigns and therapist is a guide and supports
existentialism def
we are responsible for who we are
the existential dillema
full acceptance that someday you will die, have limited time on the earth so make it good
(existential - out of bod)
father of logotherapy
Viktor Frankal
(frank had the logo)
logotherapy concept
if you have a meaning in life, then that gives the will to live it to the fullest
(logo / yolo so make it good)
psychodrama father
(drama was brown)
role reversals def
sheds light on how people see you
(reverse: how do ppl see YOU not you to them)