Quick tips: Don't mix ambiguity and ambivalence, mood and atmosphere, contradiction and paradox, irony and dramatic irony, monologue and soliloquy, parody and pastiche, plots and story, rhythm and meter!
A sudden descent from the sublime or serious, to the ridiculous or trivial; anti-climactic
An exaggerated representation of a character, often through the emphasis on a small number of features, usually for comic and satiric purposes
A mournful lament for times past or the dead. It has a particular poetic form but the term can be used more generally
A specific type or kind of literature, such as drama, prose, poetry, essay, autobiography.
Interior monologue
Here the character is thinking to him/herself in language, in words, conscious of what he/she is thinking. Thoughts are formulated in words..not through the narrator
The events of a narrative in the order the author has chosen to present them. Chronology may be distorted for particular effects, as in flashbacks or flash-forwards.
A stressed/long syllable followed by a short/unstressed syllable. May be used as a contrast within an iambic line, to stress an idea, as it’s the opposite of iambic.