Nelson mandela

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Where did the inaugural ceremony take place?

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Where did the inaugural ceremony take place?

The inaugural ceremony took place in the lovely sandstone amphitheatre formed by the Union Building in Pretoria.

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Why is 10th May called an 'autumn day' in South Africa?

Autumn days are bright, happy and colourful. 10th May is an autumn day in South Africa because it was the day of the inauguration of South Africa's first black president. It was a happy occasion.

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What does Mandela mean when he refers to 'an extraordinary human disaster '?

The extraordinary human disaster refers to the years of suffering and deprivation that the black people in South Africa faced due to the system of Apartheid.

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What is the glorious human achievement that Mandela talks about?

The glorious human achievement refers to South Africa's freedom and return to democracy which was achieved after a long and bitter struggle.

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What does Mandela thank the international leaders for?

Mandela thanked the international leaders for participating in the inauguration of South Africa's first black president. He thanked them for celebrating the victory of justice, peace and human dignity.

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What ideals does Mandela set out for the future of South Africa?


What did Mandela pledge or promise the people of South Africa at the inaugural ceremony?

Mandela promised to protect the freedom that the South Africans had worked hard to achieve. He also promised to liberate/free his people from the bondage of poverty, suffering and discrimination.

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Why were two national anthems sung at the inaugural ceremony?

Two national anthems were sung to signify the equality and brotherhood of the black and white people of South Africa.

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How does Mandela describe the systems of government in his country in the first decade(1900-1910) of the twentieth century?


How did the government in South Africa change after the Anglo Boer war?

In the first decade of the twentieth century the white skinned people of South Africa patched up their differences and erected a system of racial domination against the dark skinned people of their own land.

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How does Mandela describe the systems of government in his country in the final decade (1990-2000) of the twentieth century?

In the last decade of the twentieth century the system of Apartheid was overturned forever and replaced by a system that recognised the rights and freedoms of all peoples regardless of the colour of their skin.

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What does courage mean to Mandela?

According to Mandela courage was not the absence of fear but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid but he who conquers that fear.

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Which emotion according to Mandela comes more naturally to the human heart?

According to Mandela it is more natural to love because love comes more naturally to the human heart as compared to hate.

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What twin obligations does Mandela mention?

Mandela tells us that in life man has twin obligations -- obligations to his family, his parents, wife and children. He also has an obligation to his country, his people and his community.

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What did freedom mean to Mandela as a boy?

As a boy, freedom to Mandela meant the freedom to run in the fields near his mother's hut, freedom to swim in the clear stream that ran through his village, freedom to roast mealies under the stars and the freedom to ride on the backs of the slow moving bulls.

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What did Freedom mean to Mandela as a student?

As a student freedom to Mandela meant the freedom to stay out late at night, the freedom to read whatever he pleased and to go wherever he chose.

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How does Mandela contrast the 'transitory freedoms' with the 'basic and honourable freedom?

As Mandela grew older he realised that the freedom that he enjoyed as a boy was not permanent. It was transitory.He realised that he and his people were deprived of the basic and honourable freedom to live a life of dignity and self respect.

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Why did Mandela join the African National Congress?

As Mandela grew older he realised that he and his people were being deprived of a life of dignity and self respect.The hunger for this freedom led him to join the African National Congress so that he could fight for freedom for himself and his people.

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Why does Mandela say that the oppressor is not free?

Mandela tells us that the oppressor is a prisoner of hatred. He is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow mindedness

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What according to Mandela was the unintended effect of Apartheid?

According to Mandela the unintended effect of Apartheid was that it produced men of extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity. Men like Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulus suffered great oppression in their struggle against Apartheid.

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Why was Mandela pained when he thought of the African Patriots?

Mandela recognises the great contribution made by the African Patriots for the cause of freedom. He was pained that he could not thank them. He was also sad that they were not alive to see their dream come true.

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What did Mandela learn from his comrades/Patriots/ martyrs?

From them he learnt the true meaning of courage. Courage was not the absence of fear but the triumph over it.

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How did Mandela's understanding of freedom change with age and experience?

When Mandela was young freedom to him meant running in the fields or staying out late at night but as he grew older he realised that the freedom he enjoyed was only transitory. He realised that he and his people were being deprived of a life of dignity and self respect.

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What do the military generals do? How has their attitude changed and why?

The military generals saluted Mandela and promised him their loyalty. A few years ago they would never have saluted him but rather arrested him for being a traitor.

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What did the spectacular air show signify to Nelson Mandela?

According to Mandela the spectacular air show was not only a display of skill and military power but it also displayed the military's loyalty to democracy and the new government.

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What does Mandela mean when he says that he is simply 'the sum of all the African Patriots' who have gone before him?

Many African leaders and patriots had sacrificed their lives in the struggle against the system of Apartheid. Nelson Mandela recognises their great contribution to the freedom struggle and hence he says this.

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Why does Mandela want to thank the African Patriots?

Mandela thanks the African Patriots for their sacrifices and contribution to the freedom struggle and says that he has only carried forward the work that they began.

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Why did such a large number of international leaders attend the inauguration? What did it signify the triumph of?

A large number of international leaders attended the inauguration to participate in the inaugural ceremony of South Africa's first black president. It signified the triumph of justice peace and human dignity.

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What is the historical importance of the Union building in Pretoria?

The Union Building in Pretoria had historically been the seat of white supremacy but now it was the venue (place) for the inauguration of South Africa's first black President.

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"I was born free in every way I could know"

Why did Mandela feel free as a child?

As a child Mandela felt he was free because he enjoyed the simple freedom of running in the fields and swimming in the stream. As long as he obeyed his parents and the customs of his tribe he enjoyed what he thought was a free life.

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In the first decade of the 20th Century how were the whites able to create an inhumane society in South Africa?

After the bitter Anglo Boer war the white people of South Africa started viewing the black people as the enemy. The white people came together and began a system of racial domination against the dark skinned people of their own land.

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How did Mandela's hunger for freedom change his life?

Mandela's hunger for freedom transformed him from a frightened young man into a bold one. It turned a law abiding citizen into a criminal and turned a family loving man into a man without a home forcing him to live like a monk.

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