some were throwing flowers, others were calling paris a god ACCUSATIVE PLURAL
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surrēxit Paris ut plausum spectātōrum exciperet. UT PLAUSUM SPECTATORUM EXCIPERET
paris rose up to recieve the applause of the spectators PURPOSE CLAUSE
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sed priusquam ille plūra ageret, vir quīdam statūrā brevī vultūque sevērō prōgressus magnā vōce silentium poposcit. PROGRESSUS
But before he could do more, a certain man of short height and stern expression having gone forth demanded silence with a loud voice. PERFECT ACTIVE PARTICIPLE
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oculīs in eum statim conversīs, spectātōrēs quis esset et quid vellet rogābant. ESSET
With the eyes having been turned onto him at once, the spectators were asking who he was and what he wanted. IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE/INDIRECT QUESTION
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paucī eum agnōvērunt. Iūdaeus erat, Tychicus nōmine, cliēns T. Flāviī Clēmentis. NOMINE
A few recognized him. He was a jew, Tychicus by name, the client of Titus Flavius Clementis. ABLATIVE CLAUSE
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Paris ipse fābulā interruptā adeō obstupefactus est ut stāret immōtus. INTERRUPTA
Paris himself, with the play having been interrupted, was so amazed that he stood motionless. PERFECT PASSIVE PARTICIPLE DESCRIBING FABULA
He was entirely unaware of what Tychicus was going to do."Listen, o wicked men!" shouted Tychicus. FUTURE ACTIVE PARTICIPLE
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vōs prāvī hunc hominem tamquam deum adōrātis. sunt tamen nūllī deī praeter ūnum! adoraTIS
You evil men adore this man as if he is a god.There are however no gods except for one! 2ND PERSON PLURAL ENDING
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ūnus Deus sōlus adōrandus est! ADORANDUS EST
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hunc Deum vērum quem plērīque vestrum ignōrant, oportet mē nunc vōbīs dēclārāre." HUNC
It is right for me to declare to you now this true god who most of you do not know." ACCUSATIVE CASE OF HIC
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mussitāre coepērunt spectātōrēs. MUSSITARE
The spectators began to mumble. INFINITIVE VERB FORM
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aliī rogāvērunt utrum Tychicus iocōs faceret an īnsānīret; aliī servōs arcessīvērunt quī eum ex hortō ēicerent. EUM EX HORTO EICERENT
Some asked whether Tychicus was making jokes or was insane; others summoned the slaves to throw him out of the garden RELATIVE CLAUSE OF PURPOSE
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Tychicus autem perstitit. PERSTITIT
But Tychicus persisted. PERFECT ACTIVE
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"Deus, ut prophētae nostrī nōbīs praedīxērunt, homō factus est et inter nōs habitāvit. NOBIS
God, as our prophets foretold to us, he was made man and he lived among us. DATIVE OF NOS
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aegrōs sānāvit; evangelium prōnūntiāvit; vītam aeternam nōbīs pollicitus est. POLLICITUS EST
He healed the sick; he preached the good news; he promised an eternal life to us. DEPONENT VERB
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tum in cruce suffīxus, mortuus est et in sepulcrō positus est. POSITUS EST
Then he, having been nailed on a cross, died and was placed in a tomb. PERFECT PASSIVE
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sed tertiō diē resurrēxit et vīvus ā discipulīs suīs vīsus est. TERTIO DIE
But he rose again on the third day and was seen alive by his disciples. ABLATIVE OF TIME
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deinde in caelum ascendit, ubi et nunc rēgnat et in perpetuum rēgnābit." REGNABIT
Then he ascended into heaven, where he now reigns and will reign forever." FUTURE TENSE 1, 2 conj bo, bis, bit, bimus, bitis, bunt
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dum haec Tychicus dēclārat, servī Vitelliae, signō datō, eum, comprehendērunt. SIGNO DATO
While Tychicus was declaring these things, the slaves of Vitellia, with the signal having been given, arrested him . ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE
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domō eum trahēbant magnā vōce clāmantem: CLAMANTEM
They were dragging him out of the house, shouting with a loud voice: PERFECT PASSIVE PASRTICIPLE DESCRIBING EUM
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"mox Dominus noster, rēx glōriae, ad nōs reveniet; ē caelō dēscendet cum sonitū tubārum, magnō numerō angelōrum comitante. REVENIET
"Soon our Lord, the King of glory, will return to us; He will descend from heaven with sound of trumpets, with a large number of angels accompanying. FUTURE TENSE 3, 4 conj. future, am, es, et, emus, etis, ent
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et vīvōs et mortuōs iūdicābit. IUDICABIT
He will judge both the living and the dead. FUTURE TENSE
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nōs Chrīstiānī, sī vītam pūram vīxerimus et eī crēdiderimus, ad caelum ascendēmus.
We Christians, if we live a pure life and have faith in him, will ascend to heaven.
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ibi semper cum Dominō in pāce aeternā erimus. ERIMUS
There we will be with the Lord in eternal peace. FUTURE TENSE OF ESSE
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tū autem, Paris, fīlius diabolī, nisi vitiīs tuīs dēstiteris, poenās dabis. DIABOLI
However, you, Paris, the son of the devil, unless you will have ceased from your sins, you will be punished. GENITIVE
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nūlla erit fuga. nam flammae, ē caelō missae, tē et omnēs scelestōs dēvorābunt." DEVORABUNT
There will be no escape.For the flames, sent from heaven, will devour you and all wicked." FUTURE TENSE
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quae cum prōnūntiāvisset, Tychicus multīs verberibus acceptīs domō ēiectus est. PRONUNTIAVISSET
When He had announced these things, Tychicus with many blows having been received was thrown out from the house. PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE
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spectātōrum plūrimī eum vehementer dērīdēbant; paucī tamen, praesertim servī ac lībertī, tacēbant, quia Chrīstiānī erant ipsī. ERANT
Very many of the spectators were mocking him violently; however a few, especially the slaves and freedmen, were quiet, because they themselves were Christians. IMPERFECT OF ESSE