take specimen and place on slide
stain specimen
place a cover slip on
start on lowest magnification then focus
repeat on higher magnification
petri dish + culture are sterilised
spread onto agar plate with inoculating loop (passed through flame)
sellotape and store upside down
in schools - stored at 25C not body temp
once grown, chemicals can be placed on to see what kills them - zones of inhibition around chemical
larger zone of inhibition = chem works better
every body cell needs same number of chromosomes so cell duplicates all of the organelles before division
the chromosomes are pulled to the edge of the cell and the nucleus divides
cytoplasm and cell membrane divides
diffusion is the movement of gas + liquid from a high to low concentration
PASSIVE - no energy required
rate of diffusion is increased by:
high concentration
temperature increase
larger surface area
in large animals diffusion is increased by:
areas of large surface area (lungs or small intestine)
thin membrane to allow shorter pathway
good blood supply
being ventilated (gaseous exchange)
other organisms have gills, roots + leaves which improve diffusion
fill 5 test tubes with different concentrations of solution
weigh the 5 pieces of potatoes (or any veg)
places pieces into the different solutions
leave for a set amount of time
take potato out, blot with paper and reweigh