CP340 Quiz 1

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  • Use of the internet, web and mobile apps to transact business

  • Digitally enabled commercial transactions among organzations and individuals

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Digital enabling of transactions and processes within a  firm that does not include commercial transactions that occur over an organzational boundary 

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  • Available everywhere at all times

  • Creating a marketspace that removes physical and time barriers and limitations

  • Reduces transaction costs, costs of participating in the market, cognitive energy and mental effort

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Global reach

Wider consumer base and can reach more customers

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Universal Standards

Lowers the market entry cost and enables easy price discovery because everyone uses the same technology

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Information Richness

  • Higher amount of detail can be contained in a piece of textual, graphic, audio or video information

  • Helps the consumer make informed decisions

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  • Dialog that occurs between a computer and a user

  • Share opinions through chatbots, reviews, email

  • Can be used to analyze user behaviour

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Information Density

  • Amount and quality of information available to consumers and merchants

    • Price transparency

    • Cost Transparency

    • Price Discrimination

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Personalization and Customization

Create personalized experience by analyzing consumer behaviour

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Social Technology

Interact using social media to create and share content on the web

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The web 1.0

pages are static, no interaction with the pages

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The Web 2.0

central location for storing data, user generated content and communication,  allows use to interact and have social communities

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The web 3.0

decentralized data distributed across places that is not owned by one entity

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Business to Consumer (B2C)

car company, hollister etc.

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Business to Business (B2B)

consulting company

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Consumer to Consumer (C2C)

Ebay, kjiiji

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Social E Commerce

Facebook marketplace

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Mobile Ecommerce

apps that can be installed on phones

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Local E-Commerce

based on location

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The Internet

worldwide network of computer networks built on certain standards

Services take place on the internet

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The web

Most popular internet service that provides access to webpages

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Mobile Network

  • enables access to the internet via wireless networks or cell phone service

    • Pros of Apps: Offline access, accessibility, speed

    • Cons of Apps: storage and downloading the app

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History of E-Commerce - 1995

First sales of banner advertisements on the web

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History of E-Commerce

  •  Invention

    • Limited bandwidth and media to accommodate complex products

    • Static Webpages - no interaction

    • Disintermediation- reduction of use of intermediaries within transactions

    • Friction Free Commerce - lowered search costs, price transparency, elimination of unfair competitive advantages 

      • Network profits - first mover advantages

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History of E-Commerce 2001-2006

  • Consolidation

    • Emphasis on business driven approach

    • Larger firms expand e-commerce presence

    • Start-up Financing shrinks up

    • More complex products and services are sold

    • Growth of search engine advertising

    • Features - email, display and search advertising, community feedback features

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History of E-Commerce

  • Reinvention

    • Rapid growth of online social network, mobile platforms, local commerce

    • Entertainment content develops as a source of revenue

    • Transformation of marketing: coordinated makreting on social platforms and analytic technologies

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Assessing E-Commerce -


Many early visions were not fulfilled

  • Friction free commerce not fully realized 

  • Perfect Competition

  • First Mover Advantages

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Predictions for the Future of E-Commerce

  • Tech will propagate through all commercial activity

  • Large, traditional companies play the dominant role

  • Integrated online/offline companies will experience more growth than just online companies

  • Increased regulation and control

  • Cost of energy

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E-Commerce Organizing Theme - Technology

digital computing and communications technology is integral to e-commerce

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E-Commerce Organizing themes - Business

 new technologies present businesses with new ways of organizing production and transacting business

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E-Commerce Organizing themes - Society

e-commerce has raised issues of intellectual property, privacy and public welfare policy

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Business Model

set of planned activities designed to result in profit within a marketplace

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Business Plan

 describes a firms business model

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E-Commerce Business Model

 leverages unqiue qualities of the internet and the web

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Value Proposition

  • How does the product or service fulfill customer needs?

  • E-Commerce Specific value props:

    • Personalization/customization

    • Convenience

    • Price/No shipping cost

    • Quick Delivery

    • Unparalleled Selection

    • Product/service quality

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Revenue Model

  • How will the company earn money?

    • Advertising Revenue Model - facebook

    • Subscription Revenue model - spotify

    • Transaction Fee revenue model - credit cards, e-bay

    • Sales Revenue Model - Amazon, Retail stores

    • Affiliate Revenue Model - airlines, hotels, car rental

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Market Opportunity

  • Intended market space of the company

    • Marketspace: area of actual or potential commercial value in which he company intends to operate

    • Realistic Market Opportunity: defined by revenue potential in each market niche in which a company hopes to compete

      • Divided into smaller niches

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Competitive Environment

  • Who else occupies your intended marketspace?

    • Other companies selling the same product

    • New entrants, substitute products, power of consumers and suppliers

    • Direct and Indirect competitors

  • Influenced by

    • Number and size of active competitors

    • Each competitors market share

    • Competitors profitability and pricing

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Competitive Advantage

  • Special Advantages of a firm: what makes a product superior?

    • Asymmetries exists when there is more reosurces or differential access between firms

    • Factors of production --> unfair competitive advantage

    • Leverage resources to move in other markets

    • Perfect markets - do not allow for competitive advantage (all frims have equal access to the factors of production)

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Market Strategy

  • How do you plan to promote products/services to attract the target audience?

    • How to enter the market and attract customers

    • Best concepts will fail without proper marketing

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Organizational Development

  • Types of organizational structures within the firm necessary to carry out the business plan

    • Divide into functional departments or organize around products

    • Hiring moves from generalists to specialists as company grows

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Management Team

  • What kinds of backgrounds should the company's leaders have?

    • Make business model work and experience implementing business plans

    • Give credibility to outside investors

    • Possess market specific knowledge

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Seed Capital

personal funds used to start a business

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small amount of funding and services to start-ups

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Angel Investors

wealthy investors who invest money in exchange for equity in the business

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Venture Capital Firms

invest funds they manage for other investors

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Crowd funding

using the internet to allow individuals to contribute to new ventures

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B2C E-Tailer

  • Online version of a traditional retailer

  • Revenue Model = sales

  • Virtual merchants, catalog merchants, manufacturer direct

  • Bricks and clicks(physical storefront and online presence)

  • Low barriers to entry 

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B2C Community Provider

  • Provide online environment where people with similar interests can transact, share content and communicate

  • Revenue Models: typically hybrid --> combines advertising, subscription, sales, transaction fees etc.

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B2C Content Provider

  • Provides digital content on the web (news, music, videos etc.)

  • Revenue Models: subscription, pay per download, advertising, affiliate referral

  • Syndication: firm does not own the material they just distribute it

  • Web Aggregators: aggregate info and add value to it (ex. Priceline, Travelocity)

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B2C Portal

  • Searching capability plus an integrated package of content and services

  • Revenue Models: advertising, referral fees, transaction fees, subscriptions

  • Horizontal/General: includes all internet users

  • Vertical/Specialized: provides a directory of links to infomration related to a particular indusrty or subject matter

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B2C Transaction Broker

  • Process Online Transactions for consumers

  • Value Prop: saving time and money by enabling online transactions

  • Revenue Model: Transaction fees

  • Used in financial services, travel and entertainment industry, job placement services

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B2C Market Creator

  • Create digital environments where buyers and sellers can meet and transact business

  • Revenue Model: transaction fees, fees to merchants for access

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B2C Service Provider

  • Online Services

  • Value Prop: valuable, convenient, time saving, low cost alternatives to traditional service providers

  • Revenue Models: sales of services, subscription fees, advertising, sale of marketing data 

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  • maintenance, repair and operations

    • Supplies consumed in the production process which either do not become part of the end product or are not central to the firm's output

    • Ex: Cleaning supplies, industrial equipment, computers, fixtures

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B2B E-Distributor

  • Version of retail and wholesale store, MRO goods and indirect goods

  • Owned by one comany seeking to serve many customers

    • Revenue Model: sales of goods

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B2B E-Procurement

  • Creates and sells access to digital markets where participants transact for indirect goods

  • Revenue Model: service fees, supply chain management, fulfillment services

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B2B Exchanges

  • Independently owned vertical digital marketplace where hundreds of suppliers meet a small number of large commercial purchasers

  • Revenue Models: transactions, commission fees

  • Creates powerful competition between suppliers

  • Tends to force suppliers into a powerful price competition - number of exchanges drops

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B2B Industry Consortia

  • Industry owned digital marketplace open to select suppliers

  • More successful than exchanges

    • Sponsored by powerful industry players

    • Strengthen traditional purchasing behaviour

  • Revenue Model: transaction, commission fees

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B2B Private Industrial Networks

  • Digital network used to coordinate among firms engaged in business together

  • Owned by a large network firm (ex. Walmart)

  • Cost absorbed by network owner and recovered through production and distribution efficiencies

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How E-Commerce Influences Business

  • Rivalry among existing competitors

  • Barriers to entry

  • Threat of new substitute products

  • Strength of suppliers

  • Bargaining power of buyers

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Industry Value Chains

  • Set of activities performed by suppliers manufacturers, transporters, distributors and retailers that turn raw inputs into final products and services

  • Leads to greater operational efficiencies, lowering costs and prices while adding value for customers

  • Internet reduces the cost of information and other transactional costs

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Firm Value Chains

  • Actvities that a firm engages in o create final products from raw inputs

  • Each step adds value

  • Internet increases operational efficiency and enables production differentiation and coordination of steps in the chain

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Firm Value web

  • Networked business ecosystem

  • Uses internet technology to coordinate the value chains of business partners

  • Coordinates a firms suppliers with its own production needs (internet based supply chain management system)

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Business Startegy

  • Plan for achieving superior long term returns on capital invested - profit

    • Product/service differentiation

    • Cost Competition

    • Scope

    • Focus

    • Customer Intimacy - service supplier or retailer gets close with customers

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Woo Commerce

  • Plug in that must be installed on the word press host

    • Turns any word press website into a fully functional online store with inventory management, coupons and product page features

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Woo Commerce - Pros

  • Plug in is free to download

  • Connects to all major payment gateways

  • Only ahve to add content when using a  woo commerce theme

  • Extension library provides even more features

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Woo Commerce - cons

  • Extra Expenses - hosting, more extensions, domain name

  • Several moving parts with activities such as SEO security, hosting and caching

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  • Several ways to sell products online

  • Simple to use for beginners

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Shopify - Pros

  • Quick and easy to get started even without technical knowledge

  • Highly Compatible with social media

  • Modify the look of your store with free and paid themes 

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Shopify - Cons

  • Paid service

  • Cannot host it on your own server

  • Can only point a domain name to your shopify store with secure hosting but not on your own

    • No full control

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Web Hosting

a service that makes your website available to users - viewed by anyone on the internet at any time

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Basic Web hosting services

24/7 support, 24/7 FTP access, email accounts, online control panel, traffic statistics, database management system

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Shared Hosting

  • Clients share the web space on the server

  • Each user ahs a limit on services such as disk space, monthly traffic, email accounts, FTP accounts etc.

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Shared Hosting - Pros

  • Low in price

  • Suitable for small businesses with average online traffic

  • Saves time - web host takes care of maintenance

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Shared Hosting - cons

  • Limited resources - Bandwidth, Disk space

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Virtual Private Server

  • Servers are partitioned into server virtual machines

  • Provides power and functionality of high end server but at a cheaper price

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Virtual Private Server - pros

  • Better resoruces than shared hosting

  • Full root access to users where users can install custom applications and scripts to run websites (not possible in shared environment)

  • More secure and reliable

  • Suitable for medium sized websites

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Virtual Private Server - cons

  • Limited RAM, CPU and Server disk space

  • Difficult to manage virtual server during large or unexpected traffic

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Dedicated Server

  • Your own server not shared with anyone

  • Full control over the server, operating system and server

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Dedicated Server - pros

  • Suitable for websites with large traffic

  • User has full control over the resources of the server

  • More privacy

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Dedicated Server - cons

Very expensive

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Cloud Hosting

Scalable platform that allows you to use multiple cloud servers

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Cloud Hosting - pros

  • Suitable for websites with fluctuating traffic

  • High uptime and availability

  • Flexibility and scalability

  • Performance

  • Security

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Cloud Hosting - cons

  • Cost - hidden charges

  • Can be complex

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