How did the peace treaties effect Europe?
Versailles and the other peace treaties created a situation in Europe which made revenge inevitable. It was only a matter of time before Germany would wage another war.
How did the peace treaties effect Hitler?
Hitler hated the treaty of Versailles and promised to abolish it. He planned to get territory back, rearm, reunite with Austria, stop paying reparations and carve out a strong german empire with lots of Lebensraum.
How did the peace treaties effect international peace?
While the treaties caused heavy tensions across Europe, it was the political decisions around the treaties in the 1930’s that really caused the collapse of peace.
How did the leagues failures effect international peace?
The leagues failure in the 1930’s undoubtedly encouraged Hitler to act. However, even if the league had been stronger, Hitler still would’ve tried to overrun the treaty and destroy communism.
What were the two border crisis’s for the league in the 1930’s?
The Manchurian crisis and the Abyssinia crisis
What did the leagues failures mean for Hitler?
these crisis’s encouraged Hitler’s agression from 1936 onwards as it had failed to stand up to Japan and Italy. Because of this, Hitler believed that the league wouldn’t be able to stop him if he tried anything.
How could politicians have avoided the tensions that arose from the treaties?
It could have been avoided if politicians in the 30’s had changed or reinforced the treaties.
What did the Great depression mean for the league?
The depression critically damaged the league and destroyed the spirit of international cooperation. It caused the major disputes and set nations against one another.
What did the Great depression mean for Britain and France?
The depression severely weakened Britain and France, meaning they couldn’t afford another war and didn’t have the strength to confidently stand against Germany.
What did the Great depression mean for Germnany?
The great depression was the reason Hitler was able to rise to power in the first place.
What effect did the great depression have on the collapse of international peace?
While the great depression caused many critical issues and played a crucial part in Hitlers rise to power, it did not make the war inevitable. Even with the depression, Hitler could have been stopped by Britain and France if they had the will to do so.
what did appeasement mean for Hitler?
Appeasement was a critical factor in the collapse of international peace as it made Hitler think he could get away with anything without a comeback from Britain and France.
when did appeasement become an encouragement for Hitler?
After Hitler marched his troops into the Rhineland in 1936, Britain and France could have reacted strongly but in the name of appeasement did nothing. From this point forth Hitler was encouraged to take gamble after gamble.
How did appeasement effect international peace?
As a result of appeasement Hitler believed that Britain would not declare war if he invaded Poland. Therefore, appeasement encouraged the very opposite of what it was intended to do.
was appeasement a necessary tactic?
Without the USA in the league, Britain and France were not strong enough to keep peace and without the great depression, they may have been able to afford opposing Hitler, but these factors made appeasement a necessary tactic to avoid war.
What was the Nazi-soviet pact?
Signed in August 1939, Germany and the USSR agreed not to attack one another and privately agreed to divide Poland.
How did Hitler benefit from the Nazi Soviet pact?
Hitler wanted a strip of former German land known as the polish corridor to be returned to Germany for living space. he didn’t think Britain and France would not risk war over this, but was unsure about Stalin and the USSR. The pact cleared the way for Hitler to invade Poland.
How did Stalin benefit from the Nazi-Soviet pact?
Stalin didn’t trust the Germans, and was well aware he was a target for Hitler, but he didn’t trust the British or French either. The pact gave the USSR time to build forces.
What did the Nazi Soviet pact mean for the collapse of international peace?
The pact allowed Hitler to invade Poland, but war was already inevitable beforehand. However, Hitler most likely would not have invaded Poland without the pact.
What were Hitler’s actions fueled by?
His vision of Lebensraum, his hatred of communism and determination to reverse the Versailles settlement led to war.
What were some of Hitlers actions that led to the collapse of international collapse?
He intentionally built up the German army and developed youth groups with the intention of taking them to war.
How did Hitler’s actions effect the collapse of international peace?
There could have been no war without Hitler. Although Hitler was a gambler and would not have led the world to war so soon if he had been forced to follow a more peaceful foreign policy.