Through direct experience with animals, we can anticipate that dogs will bark and birds will chirp. What does this best illustrate?
associative learning.
Ivan Pavlov noticed that dogs began salivating at the mere sight of the person who regularly brought food to them. What was the sight of the person known as?
conditioned stimulus.
. The predictability of an association between a CS and a US facilitates an organisms ability to anticipate the occurrence of the US. This fact is most likely to be highlighted by a(n) ________ perspective.
Researchers condition a flatworm to contract when exposed to light by repeatedly pairing the light with electric shock. What is the electric shock known as?
unconditioned stimulus.
f you get violently ill a couple hours after eating contaminated food, you will probably develop an aversion to the taste of that food but not to the sight of the restaurant where you ate or to the sound of the music you heard there. This best illustrates that associative learning is constrained by what?
Biological Predisposition
A type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus is known as what?
Classical conditioning
The major difference between CS and a UCS is what?
This is the stimulus that brings on a particular response after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus.
Mary developed a fear of water when she fell off a river raft last summer. This year she took swimming lessons and thought she had finally overcome her fear of water. She was eagerly looking forward to an upcoming rafting trip, however, as soon as she stepped onto the raft she was instantly terrified again. This illustrates the classical conditioning process known as what?
Spontaneous recovery
If a dog salivates to a blue light and not to a yellow light, what is the dog showing evidence of?
Stimulus discrimination
You have conditioned a fear response to a 1000-Hz tone. Now the tone is paired with a green light. Later, the green light alone elicits fear. What is this an example of?
High-order conditioning
A child asks to be allowed to stay up an extra half hour only when his mother is in a good mood. What is this an example of?
stimulus discrimination
What is the law of effect closely related to?
contribution to learning theory
For some children who bite themselves or band their heads, squiring water at their faces when they hurt themselves has been observed to decrease the frequency of these self-abusive behaviors. This best illustrates the potential value of what?
latent learning.
Occasional, unpredictable reinforcement usually results in ___________ rates of responding.
A child is sent to their room with no supper because they presented a bad report card to their parents. What was the parent’s intent?
punish poor academic performance
. In the 1930’s learning that is influenced by stimuli that follow the response was christened “operant conditioning” by who?
operant conditioning" by... B.F. Skinner.
Thorndike’s work with hungry cats in a puzzle box lead him to attribute the cat’s learning to a principle he called what?
. A small enclosure used by psychologists to study learning in which an animal can make a specific response that is recorded while the consequences are systematically controlled is known as what?
Skinner's Box
A small enclosure used by psychologists to study learning in which an animal can make a specific response that is recorded while the consequences are systematically controlled is known as what?
discriminate stimulus
Why are primary reinforcers effective?
they are biological and play a fundamental role in survival
When does continuous reinforcement occur?
every time a desired behavior is exhibited.
Marie works in a dress factory where she earns $10 for each three dresses she hems. What schedule is Marie paid on?
fixed ration.
. A worker gets paid every Friday for completing their 40 hour work week. What schedule are they getting paid on?
Shaquille is a professional basketball player. He never knows for sure which of his shots will result in a basket, but the more shots he takes the more baskets he makes. What schedule is Shaquille’s shooting being reinforced on?
a variable-ratio scheduled.
Josiah checks his electronic mail several times a day. Some days there is mail each time he checks; sometimes several days go by with no new messages arriving. What schedule is Josiah’s behavior of checking his electronic mail being reinforced on?
a variable-ratio schedule.
Given the same frequency of reinforcement, ____ schedules generate higher rates of responding than do ____ schedules.
Ratio, interval
Stopping nagging a child when they finally clean their room is an example of what?
negative reinforcement
How are punishment and negative reinforcement different?
punishment seeks to decrease the likelihood of a certain behavior from happening again and negative reinforcement actually increases the likelihood of a behavior occurring.
What did Albert Bandura’s Bobo doll experiments demonstrate?
children are able to learn through the observation of adult behaviour.
Mirror neurons are important to the process of learning because they do what?
discern and assimilate other human beings' actions and intentions, and to grasp new skills by mirroring (imitating).
Give an example of prosocial behavior that could be learned from modeling.
Prosocial behavior
What ability is a good predictor of good adjustment, better grades, and social success?
High self-control
What is social learning also called?
Classical and operant conditioning are based on the principles of which psychological perspective?
behavioral psychology.
Extinction occurs ____________________ in classical conditioning and ____________________ in operant conditioning.
when the unconditioned stimulus no longer follows the conditioned stimulus.
Classical condition is to ______ responses; as operant conditioning is to _______.
associating an involuntary response and a stimulus,
When does stimulus generalization occur?
when behavior becomes more probable in the presence of one stimulus or situation as a result of having been reinforced in the presence of another stimulus or situation