Learn the quotes from An Inspector Calls
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Mr Birling Key Themes
Social position insecurity
Nouveau riche (acquired wealth not inherited)
Inability to change
The Play’s Key Terms
Capitalism vs Socialism
Young Gen vs Old Gen
Social class
Social responsibility
Wealth and materialism
"...we may look forward to the time when Crofts and Birlings are no longer competing but are working together - for lower costs and higher prices."
epitome of capitalism
sees marriage to Gerald as a mere business opportunity
a man has to make his own way—has to look after himself
shows individualistic nature of capitalism
nouveau riche (acquired wealth not inherited)
as if we were all mixed up together like bees in a hive - community and all that nonsense
simile comparison to nature shows his view on socialism as primitive
no social conscience
or lack of social responsibility
you ought to like this port, Gerald
modal verb highlights insecurity
he doesn’t want to command his social superior
he is insecure about his social position
public men, Mr Birling, have responsibilities as well as privileges
Priestley’s message on social responsibility
vehicle for socialism
I was an alderman for years -
and Lord Mayor two years ago -
and I'm still on the Bench
hints at corruption
belief that upper classes are above the law