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Name the muscle labeled “H” (two words - all lowercase)
transversus abdominis
Name the muscle labeled “D” (two words - all lowercase)
rectus abdominis
Name the muscle labeled “B” (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle labeled “D” (two words - all lowercase)
orbicularis oculi
Name the muscle labeled “E” (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle labeled “C” (two words - all lowercase)
serratus anterior
Name the muscle labeled “O” (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle labeled “C” (one word - all lowercase)
Which 4 muscles make up the quadriceps femoris?
D, E, H, F
D, F, G, H
C, D, H, G
B, C, D, F
D, E, F, G
D, E, F, G
Name the muscle labeled “B” (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle labeled “M” (two words - all lowercase)
biceps femoris
The latissimus dorsi is labeled “___”
Name the muscle labeled “C” (two words - all lowercase)
triceps brachii
Name the muscle labeled “A” (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle labeled “N” (one word - all lowercase)
Trapezius muscle is labeled “____”
Name the muscle labeled “G” (one word - all lowercase)
A muscle that has its origin on the manubrium of the sternum and medial portion of the clavicle, and its insertion in the mastoid process of the temporal bone. Provide the label.
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
adductur longus
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
adductor magnus
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
biceps brachii
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (four words - all lowercase)
extensor carpi radialis brevis
Name the muscle highlighted (four words - all lowercase)
extensor carpi radialis longus
Name the muscle highlighted (three words - all lowercase)
extensor carpi ulnaris
Name the muscle highlighted (three words - all lowercase)
extensor carpi minimi
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
extensor digitorum
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
extensor indicis
Name the muscle highlighted (three words - all lowercase)
extensor pollicis brevis
Name the muscle highlighted (three words - all lowercase)
extensor pollicis longus
Name the muscle highlighted (three words - all lowercase)
external abdominal oblique
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
external intercostals
Name the muscle highlighted (three words - all lowercase)
flexor carpi radialis
Name the muscle highlighted (three words - all lowercase)
flexor carpi ulnaris
Name the muscle highlighted (three words - all lowercase)
flexor digitorum profundus
Name the muscle highlighted (three words - all lowercase)
flexor digitorum superficialis
Name the muscle highlighted (three words - all lowercase)
flexor pollicis longus
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
gluteus maximus
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
gluteus medius
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (three words - all lowercase)
internal abdominal oblique
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
internal intercostals
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
latissimus dorsi
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
linea alba
Name the muscle highlighted (five words - all lowercase)
long head of biceps femoris
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
orbicularis oculi
name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
orbicularis oris
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
pectoralis major
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
pectoralis minor
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
rectus abdominis
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
rectus femoris
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the NERVE shown (two words - all lowercase)
sciatic nerve
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
serratus anterior
Name the muscle highlighted (five words - all lowercase)
short head of biceps femoris
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (three words - all lowercase)
tenor fasciae latae
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
tibialis anterior
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
transverse abdominis
Name the muscle highlighted (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
triceps brachii
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
vastus intermedius
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
vastus lateralis
Name the muscle highlighted (two words - all lowercase)
vastus medialis
Name the muscle labeled “F” (two words - all lowercase)
pectoralis minor
Name the muscle labeled “J” (two words - all lowercase0
adductor longus
Name the muscle labeled “E” (two words - all lowercase)
biceps brachii
Name the muscle labeled “H” (three words - all lowercase)
internal abdominal oblique
Name the muscle labeled “I” (three words - all lowercase)
external abdominal oblique
Name the muscle labeled “Q” (two words - all lowercase)
tibialis anterior
Name the muscle labeled “K” (two words - all lowercase)
vastus lateralis
Name the muscle labeled “G” (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle labeled “A” (two words - all lowercase)
orbicularis oris
Name the muscle labeled “M” (three words - all lowercase)
tensor fasciae latae
Name the muscle labeled “P” (two words - all lowercase)
vastus medialis
Name the muscle labeled “D” (two words - all lowercase)
pectoralis major
Name the muscle labeled “L” (two words - all lowercase) (NOTE: The muscle is deeper than shown)
vastus intermedius
Name the muscle labeled “N” (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle labeled “V” (two words - all lowercase)
serratus anterior
Name the muscle labeled “S” (two words - all lowercase)
orbicularis oculi
Name the muscle labeled “X” (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle labeled “W” (two words - all lowercase)
transverse abdominis
Name the muscle labeled “T” (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle labeled “U” (two words - all lowercase)
rectus abdominis
Name the muscle labeled “Y” (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle labeled “A” (two words - all lowercase)
latissimus dorsi
Name the muscle labeled “G” (two words - all lowercase)
biceps femoris
Name the muscle labeled “E” (one word - all lowercase)
Name the muscle labeled “F” (two words - all lowercase)
adductor magnus