business-finance AQA

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loans pros+cons

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loans pros+cons

pros- helpful when money isn’t available, usually fixed interest rate so the business can plan ahead

cons- high interest, can say no, bank takes collateral

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what a bank takes that they can sell in the event a business cannot repay a loan

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overdraft pros+cons

pros- can use money when needed so is flexible

cons- bank can demand full payment, high variable interest rates, expensive, can be suddenly stopped

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hire purchase pros+cons

pros- good for expensive goods

cons- high interest, not owned until final payment

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venture capital pros+cons

pros- expertise and advice, money added to business

cons- expect shares and returns, can threaten to pull investment, may end up too involved

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share capital pros+cons

pros- permenant capital so the business will have the money

cons- investors receive no dividends if there is a poor year, new businesses are unlike;y to have established names for shares

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owner capital pros+cons

pros- convenient, interest free, dont have to borrow and keep track

cons- runs out, may not have enough

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retained profits pros+cons

pros- quick, easy, interest free

cons- once its gone its gone, not good for unexpected issues

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selling assets pros+cons

pros- space for profitability, quick, saves unused equipment

cons- may not get full market value, may need to have asset later in business

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government grants pros+cons

pros- doesn’t need to be paid back, good for new small businesses

cons- need to convince the business is worth investing in, applications are time consuming, criteria may not be met

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morgages pros+cons

pros- paid back over long periods, helps with very expensive costs

cons- continuous interest, collateral can be sold if payments arent made

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trade credit pros+cons

pros- materials can be accessed immediately, interest free

cons- short term and usually only small amounts

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cash inflow

cash coming into a business

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cash outflow

cash coming out of a business

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what does poor cash flow cause

failure of business

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what are the benefits of positive cash flow

avoid interest charges, better chance of getting a long term loan as you are deemed more responsible, less risk of failure

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cash flow forecast

plan of a businesses expected cash inflows and outflows over time

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cash flow statement

record of a businesses cash inflows and outflows over time

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how do you work out total cash outflow

add all cash inflows together

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net cash flow

cash a business will hold

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how do you work out net cash flow

total cash inflow - total cash outflow

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opening balance

amount help by business at the start of the trading month

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how do you work out the opening balance

balance of the last trading day of the previous month

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closing balance

funds available when at the end of a trading period when an account is closed

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how to work out the closing balance

opening balance + net cash flow

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what do [ ] mean in a cash flow forecast

negative balance

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anything a business has to pay for

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fixed cost

costs that do not change

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variable cost

costs that change depending on a business’ output

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how to work out total cost

all the costs of a business

fixed+variable costs

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how to work out revenue

any money that is made from businesses selling their products and services

selling price x quantity sold

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how to work out profit

money left over after costs are paid / money made

revenue-total costs

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where profit is a negative because costs are higher than revenue

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average rate of return

a percentage calculated that is a way of deducing the profitability of an investment

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how to calculate average rate of return

average yearly profit x 100 / cost of investment

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what is average rate of return stated in

\n a percentage

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break even

the point where a business sells enough units to fully cover its costs

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equilibrium point

where revenue = cost

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break even chart

a chart that shows the financial activity of a business

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what are the 6 things a break even chart requires / shows

total revenue, total costs, fixed costs, margin of safety, area of profit and loss, break even point

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margin of safety

period of time after the break even point is reached and sales are being made, helps business be safe

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how do we calculate margin of safety

actual sales in units- break even output level

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what are four advantages of using a break even chart

know how many sales to break even, helps pricing decisions, sets targets to motivate employees, identifies key business information, identifies when costs are too high

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what are two disadvantages of using a break even chart

doesn’t take into account variations of costs or selling price, forecasted sales aren’t guaranteed, high targets cause stress and uncertainty

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tangible product a business holds that has value e.g property, machinery

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what are the two financial statements

income statement, statement of financial position

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advantage of financial statement

spot trends in business, allow comparison with other businesses, give a clear financial overview of business

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disadvantages of financial statements

time consuming to prepare, difficult to hide financial information from competitors or investors

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income statement

financial performance of a business usually over 12 months based on income

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gross profit

revenue - cost of sales, doesnt take into account any other expenses involved in running a business

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net profit

gross profit- expenses, final stage in an income statement

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what is another term for a statement of financial position

balance sheet

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balance sheet

document demonstrating the financial position of a business at a given time

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current assets

assets that are owned for a short amount of time (usually less than a year) such as stock, raw materials, cash

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fixed assets

assets that are owned for a long period of time (usually over a year) such as vehicles, equiptment and buildings

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current liability

short term debts that a business will need to pay back within a year such as an overdraft, trade credit, short-term loan

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calculation for net profit margin

( net profit / sales revenue ) x 100

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net profit margin

proportion of sales revenue that is left once all costs have been paid, basically how much net profit is made for every pound of sales revenue

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calculation for gross profit margin

( gross profit / sales revenue ) x 100

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gross profit margin

percentage of sales revenue that is left once the cost of sales has been paid, basically how much gross profit is made for every pound of sales revenue

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