APUSH Unit 5 Key Terms

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33 Terms

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Missouri Compromise

  • compromise in 1820 suggested by Henry Clay

  • stipulated that Maine (free) and Missouri (slave) will come into the Union at the same time

  • all Louisiana territory above the 36 30’ line after Missouri will be free

  • delayed the imminent civil war by 40 years

  • effective at keeping peace, but did not address the issue of the institution of slavery

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  • the idea that the masters took care and fed their slaves

  • Southerns used this to justify the institution of slavery

  • supporting hierarchy

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Wage slavery

  • “slavery” in the North

  • get paid little for labor, bad conditions

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Mexican American War

  • war 1846-1848

  • Mexico-owned Texas territory becomes predominantly American; wants to join the Union

  • Mexico and U.S. wage war

  • unfair war, many northerners against it (e.g. transcendentalists)

  • U.S. wins; Texas wants to join Union

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Compromise of 1850

  • California added as a free state

  • Abolished slave trade in Washington D.C.

  • Fugitive Slave Act

  • popular sovereignty in Utah and New Mexico permitted slavery

  • although heavily favored the North, they were outraged because of the unfair and immoral Fugitive Slave Act

  • Compromise fails, doesn’t not keep peace

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Fugitive Slave Act

  • escaped slaves in the North must be returned to their owners

  • accused fugitives cannot defend themselves in court

  • part of the Compromise of 1850

  • outraged the North, incredibly unfair law, converted many Northerners to abolitionists

  • reason why the Compromise of 1850 fails

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Harriet Beecher Stowe

  • author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

  • abolitionist

  • daughter of Lyman Beecher, the Second Great Awakening priest

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Uncle Tom’s Cabin

  • Abolitionist novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852

  • pivotal to changing Northerners and Europeans’ opinion of slavery

  • turns slavery from a political issue to a moral one

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Manifest Destiny

  • idea in America during the early 1800s that they were given the divine right to settle the entire continent

  • expansionist

  • fueled North (free) vs South (slave) debate

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Popular Sovereignty

  • the idea that the people/population should decide whether they are a free or slave state

  • used in the Compromise of 1850 (Utah and New Mexico) and Kansas Nebraska Act

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Radical abolitionism

  • the stance that there is the need of immediate emancipation of slaves, no compensation

  • religious/moral argument connected to Second Great Awakening

  • gains momentum in UK in 1830s because of Wilberforce

  • sometimes, violent action: David Walker, John Brown

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William Lloyd Garrison

  • Founded The Liberator (abolitionist newspaper) in 1831

  • American Antislavery Society

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Frederick Douglass

  • Abolitionist, escaped slavery when young adult

  • great writer and orator

  • disproved the idea that African Americans are not intellectually up to par to whites

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Moderate abolitionism

  • the stance that there should be gradual emancipation, compensation for slave owners

  • possibly wanted relocation of slaves to an American Colonization Society (Liberia or Haiti)

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American Colonization Society

  • wanting to relocate slaves to Liberia or Haiti

  • supported by Moderate Abolitionists

  • impractical and too expensive

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Cotton diplomacy

  • a Confederate economic strategy European support

  • will stop cotton trade in order to force Europe to side with them

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Kansas Nebraska Act

  • 1854 law that repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and established popular sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska

  • popular sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska

  • many northerners and southerners flood the territory in order to support free/slave

  • Many bloody conflicts arose: “Bleeding Kansas”

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Stephen Douglas

  • candidate for election of 1860 (against Lincoln)

  • supported popular sovereignty and slavery

  • proposed the Kansas Nebraska Act 1854

  • split the Democratic Party in half, allowing Lincoln to take the election

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Republican Party

  • party created in 1850s against slavery

  • made up of Whigs, anti-slavery democrats, free soilers, and abolitionists

  • Lincoln ran as president in this party

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  • xenophobia, hatred against immigrants

  • foundation of the American Party

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John Brown

  • radical abolitionist that used violence

  • the Harpers Ferry Raid in Virginia where he acquired a lot of gunpowder and weapons

  • was caught, executed by hanging

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Emancipation Proclamation

  • 1863 during the height of the American Civil war, Abraham Lincoln declared slavery abolished in the confederate states

  • political move to get European support

  • slave states that stayed in the union did not have slavery abolished

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Presidential Reconstruction

  • the period from 1865–1867 when President Andrew Johnson implemented a plan to reunite the United States after the Civil War

  • Abraham Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan: Lincoln's plan proposed that states could rejoin the Union if 10% of their 1860 voters swore an oath of allegiance to the Union

  • Andrew Johnson’s plan: pardon to all Southern whites, even confederate leaders, gave them back their property

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Radical Reconstruction

  • a period of time (1867-1877) after the Civil War when the Radical Republicans in Congress passed policies to reintegrate the former Confederate states into the Union

  • 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments supported more racial equality

  • disenfranchised Confederates

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Thaddeus Stevens

  • supporter of the Radical Reconstruction

  • radical republican politician

  • argued that the Confederates were revolutionaries to be crushed by force

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13th, 14th, 15th Amendments

  • also known as the Reconstruction Amendments (1865-1870)

  • passed after the Civil War to grant rights and protections to African Americans

  • 13th: abolished slavery and involuntary servitude

  • 14th: granted citizenship to all people born in the United States and established equal protection under the law

  • 15th: this amendment prohibited the denial of voting rights based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude

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Andrew Johnson

  • president after Lincoln, 1865-1869

  • reconstruction era, very lenient to southerners and past Confederates

  • pardoned confederates

  • old-fashioned southern Jacksonian Democrat of pronounced states' rights views

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Wade Davis Bill

  • a Reconstruction plan proposed by Radical Republicans

  • wanted a majority of white males in each state to take an "Ironclad Oath" swearing they had never supported the Confederacy before allowing them to participate in forming new state governments

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Freedman’s Bureau

  • a federal agency that provided assistance to formerly enslaved people and impoverished whites in the years following the Civil War

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Reconstruction Acts of 1867

  • a series of laws that outlined the process for readmitting the former Confederate states to the Union after the Civil War

  • all states must ratify the new amendments

  • confederate states must write a new constitution allowing Black men to vote

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President Grant

  • Civil War Union general; war hero

  • president 1869-1877

  • not a great president, not educated in political and economic matters

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Compromise of 1877

  • known as the Wormley Agreement, or corrupt bargain

  • an informal, unwritten deal that settled the disputed 1876 U.S. Presidential election

  • Republican Rutherford B. Hayes will become the president; in return, he’ll remove troops from Souther Carolina, Florida, and Louisiana

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President Hayes

  • president from 1877-1881

  • oversaw the end of Reconstruction, began the efforts that led to civil service reform, and attempted to reconcile the divisions left over from the Civil War