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Repetition of a vowel sound. E.g “lIght the fIre” or “tOO cOOl for schOOL”
Over exaggerating something.
What is a rhetorical question?
a question asked for effect or emphasis, not meant to be answered.
What is emotive language?
language that is designed to provoke an emotional response from the audience.
What is a euphemisim?
a mild or indirect word or expression used to replace a harsh or blunt one.
What is siblicance?
repetition of 's' or 'sh' sounds in close proximity, often used to create a musical effect in poetry or prose.
What is alliteration?
the repetition of the same initial consonant sound in closely placed words or syllables, often used in poetry and prose for emphasis or rhythm.
What is repetition?
the repeated use of words, phrases, or structures in a text to emphasize a concept or create rhythm.
What are opinions used for?
involve expressing personal views or judgments about a topic, often supported by reasons, can be used to back up your point and make writing persuasive
What is Zoomorphism?
a literary or artistic device that gives animal traits to humans or objects, often used in metaphors or allegories.
What is a plosive?
consonant sounds produced by obstructing airflow, creating a pressure buildup that is released suddenly. Examples include 'p,' 'b,' 't,' and 'd.'
What are facts and stats used for?
can be proven true or false, while stats are numerical data that represent facts in a quantitative format. They make writing more persuasive.
What is symbolism?
the use objects to present a meaning. E.G. medal = winner
What is juxtaposition?
the placement of two or more ideas, characters, or settings side by side to highlight their contrasts or similarities, often used to enhance meaning in literature.
Whats a oxymoron?
a figure of speech that combines contradictory terms for effect, such as 'deafening silence' or 'bittersweet.'
What is pathetic fallacy?
a literary device that attributes human emotions and characteristics to nature or inanimate objects, often used to reflect a character's emotional state.
What is a similie?
a figure of speech that compares two different things using 'like' or 'as,' for example, 'as brave as a lion' or 'like a rose.'
What is personification?
a literary device that gives human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities or objects, enhancing their relatability in literature.
What is irony?
a literary device where the intended meaning is opposite to the literal meaning, often producing humor or emphasizing a point. It often surprises the characters.
What is a semantic field?
a set of words grouped by meaning, relating to a particular subject or theme, which helps to convey specific ideas or create associations.
What is a noun?
a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea.
Whats a adverb?
a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb, often indicating manner, time, or place.
What is a verb?
a word that describes an action, occurrence, or state of being.
What is an adjective?
a word that describes or modifies a noun.
What is onomatopoeia?
a word that imitates the sound it represents, such as 'buzz,' 'bang,' or 'sizzle.'
Whats a metaphor?
a figure of speech that directly compares two unlike things by saying one is the other, for example, 'Time is a thief.'