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Pre-analytical function
sample receiving and accessioning
Pre-analytical function
barcode labelling
Pre-analytical function
specimen routine handling
Pre-analytical function
Patient ID and verification
Pre-analytical function
test ordering and requisition creation
Pre-analytical function
QC checks
Pre-analytical function
Specimen tracking and chain of custody
Pre-analytical function
worklists and collection lists
Analytical function
Test order processing
Analytical function
specimen tracking
Analytical function
instrument integration
Analytical function
result validation
Analytical function
result reporting
Analytical function
data analysis interpretation
Analytical function
audit trail
Post-analytical function
Results verification
Post-analytical function
result reporting and delivery
Post-analytical function
alerts and notifications
Post-analytical function
results review and confirmation
Post-analytical function
result integration with EMR
Post-analytical function
storage of specimens
Computer networks
group of computing devices linked together with a purpose of transmitting and sharing resources or info
Computer software
designed to operate computer hardware in the processing of data
manage and automate operations and data management processes within a lab
Sample management
tracks the progress of each sample from collection to analysis and disposal via unique identifiers
Test ordering and scheduling
facilitates ordering and scheduling of lab tests by providers, allows clinicians to electronically submit test reqs and prioritize testing
Result entry and reporting
captures test results from analyzers
Workflow Management
LIS streamlines workflow by automating routine tasks
Quality Control
monitors instrument performances, analyzes QC data
Collection lists
Report generated by LIS that states details regarding specimen that needs collecting. based on orders received from healthcare providers
integrates various functions and departments within a hospital. typically interfaced with all other depts in the hospital
input device
barcode reader
input device
input device
output device
output device
LIS middleware
transmit results from analyzer to LIS Int
Interstitial fluid
surrounds the bodys cells
Transcellular fluid
fluid contained within epithelial lined spaces
Delay in CSF testing
falsely low cell counts, falsely high lactate, decreased chance of microorganism recovery
Normal CSF
small number of lymphos and monos.
no RBC present
White cell count done with
CSF can be diluted with X for WBC count
acetic acid
What helps preserve cellular morphology in cytospin
Serous membrane
cavities lined by a membrane that forms a double layer of mesothelial cells
Does normal serous fluid have blood or fibrinogen
increased amount of serous fluid
aspiration of serous fluid
Serous fluid collection tube- cell count
Serous fluid collection tube- chem
sodium fluoride or heparin
normal serous fluid, decreased in oncotic pressure, increase in hydrostatic capillary press, decreased plasma protein
inflammatory, vasodilation causes protein and fluid loss
Cardiac tamponade
abnormal accumulation of pericardial fluid in the space around the heart
mesothelial cells
cells that line the serous membrane
T/E: protein concentration <30g/L , <50% of plasma protein conc
T/E: protein concentration >30g/L, >50% of plasma protein conc
microbiology in serous fluid: cyto or centri
Synovial fluid is viscous because
synovial fluid secreted by
are crystals normal in synovial fluid
cell count tube for synovial fluid
EDTA purple
Cell count synovial diluent
hyaluronidase followed by acetic acid
WBC diff synovial fluid tube
EDTA purple top
crystal analysis tube synovial
sodium heparin
monosodium urate crystals associated with
calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals associated with
2 ways to view crystals
wet prep or cytocentrifugation
chemistry tests- synovial fluid
red top
synovial decreased glucose suggests
infection of joint
synovial increased protein suggests
inflammatory joint disease
non inflammatory synovial fluid associated with
inflammatory synovial fluid associated with
rheumatoid arthritis,
Crystal induced synovial fluid associated with
gout or pseudogout
green amniotic fluid
meconium release
fetal lung maturity
tests concentrations of specific phospholipids that are alveolar surfactants
alveolar surfactant purpose
lungs expanding and contracting normally
Increased fetal hemolysis
increase in unconjugated bilirubin in amniotic fluid
hemolytic disease of the newborn
antibodies cross over placenta and attach to fetal cells causing their destruction
amount of bilirubin in amniotic fluid related to
severity of hemolysis
alpha fetoprotein
protein made by fetus, diffuses across placenta, and into maternal serum
alpha fetoprotein in amniotic fluid
possible neural tube defect, detects spina bifida
The bridge between an automated analyzer and LIS