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The ability to do work. It is quantifiable and objects that possess energy have the ability to change itself or its surroundings.
Mechanical Energy
A group of energy that deals with motion
the energy stored in an objects location in the gravitational field
The point where height is measured from.
Kinetic Energy
the energy an object has because of its movement
How much of a devices available energy is used to accomplish the desired task. Nothing is 100% efficent due to friction and air resistance
Conservation of Energy
The amount of energy always stays the same, it just transitions from one form to another. Energy is neither created nor destroyed.
Bohr Model
Not accurate to the workings of an atom, but helpful in visualization.
3 parts of an atom
Proton, Neutron, Electron
Mass 1, charge +1, In nucleus, determines what the element is
Mass 1, charge 0, in nucleus, determines the element’s isotope
Mass 0, charge -1, outside nucleus, determines how an atom will chemically react with others
Mass Number
Protons + Neutrons
Atomic Number
Amount of Protons
The same atom with a different number of neutrons, same amount of protons
Charge of an atom
Protons-Electrons. To change the charge add or take away electrons. Influences bonding and chemical reactions
non-neutral atom
Proccess of adding or subtracting electrons
Gravitational Force
Long-range, Weakest, Causes things to come together, everything with mass has gravity, can only be seen with large objects
The Strong Nuclear Force
An attractive force that keep the nucleus in an atom together, only acts on super small distance, strongest, created by protons and neutrons interacting
Weak Nuclear Force
Allows one type of particle to turn into another, responsible for radioactive decy, 3rd strongest, only over small distance, created by interactions in the nucleus
Electromagnetic Force
describes the force acting on electrical charges and magnets, 2nd strongest, long range, created by the prescence and movement of electrical charges, keeps electrons attached to the nucleus, explains: Light, Electricity, Chemical reactions, and why things have shap
A push or pull, vector quantity, can be represented by arrows, measured in neutrons
When the forces acting on something are balanced, causing it to keep doing what it’s doing. (being at rest, constant speeds)
Newtons 2nd law
If the forces are unbalanced, an object will change motion
A book stays on a table because
Electromagnetic force, Gravitational force
What holds and atom together
Electromagnetic, Strong Nuclear Force
A disturbance that transfers energy from one place to another.
what the wave travels through. Determines wave speed
Mechanical waves
Waves that require a medium to move through. The particles of the medium are not carried with the wave
Transverse waves
Particles move perpindicular to the wave direction
Particles move parralell to the wave direction
distance from one crest to another or the distance from one compression to another, measured in meters
the height of a crest from the equilibrium position, or the area of highest density
T, time per cycle, measured in seconds
Cycle per time, measured in Hertz
how far a crest travels at a given amount of time. If wave speed is constant then wwavelength and frequency are inversley related. bigger frequency shorter wavelength
The smalled quantity of energy that can be transported, a photon
a particle without a real size that cannot be split only created or destroyed
Wave Particle duality
has wave-like or particle-like characteritics depending on the situation
We can see visible light because
the only electromagnetic waves that can go in water, where most eyes evolved
Electromagnetic waves
Where two fields intertwine (Electric and magnetic), which makes it self replicating. Means it doesn’t need a medium to travel through
Electromagnetic waves from longest wavelength to shortest
Radio, Micro, infared, visible, uv, x-ray, gamma
False colors
To see frequencys not included in visible life, we assign false colors to represent them
Speed of light, fastest thing in the universe
high energy photon colors
low energy photon colors
doppler affect
causes a shift in electromagnetic waves, compressing waves in the directions its going. Approaching is more blue, leaving more red
the study of light emitted from atoms and molecules
Continuous Spectra
When a solid or dense gas is heated, it emits all wavelenghts of light
Emmision Spectra
Absorbtion Spectra