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Spanish-speaking settlers in California.
Chief Joseph
Leader of the Nez Perce tribe known for his resistance against U.S. forces.
Chinese Exclusion Act
1882 law that prohibited Chinese laborers from immigrating to the U.S.
Concentration policy
U.S. government policy to move Native Americans onto reservations.
Dawes Severalty Act
1887 law that aimed to assimilate Native Americans by allotting them individual plots of land.
Leader of the Apache who resisted U.S. military efforts to subdue his people.
Great Plains tribes
Native American tribes that inhabited the Great Plains region of the U.S.
Homestead Act
1862 law that provided 160 acres of public land to settlers for a small fee.
Little Bighorn
Site of the 1876 battle where General Custer was defeated by Native American forces.
Long drive
The herding of cattle over long distances to railroads for shipment.
Mark Twain
American author known for his novels 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' and 'Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'.
Range wars
Conflicts between ranchers and farmers over land use.
Rocky Mountain school
Artistic movement that focused on the American West.
Turner Thesis
Argument by historian Frederick Jackson Turner that the American frontier shaped the nation's character.
Wounded Knee
Site of the 1890 massacre of Lakota Sioux by U.S. troops.
American Federation of Labor, a national federation of labor unions.
American Socialist Party
Political party advocating for socialism in the U.S.
Andrew Carnegie
Industrialist who led the expansion of the American steel industry.
Eugene Debs
Labor leader and five-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party.
Gospel of wealth
Philosophy that wealthy individuals have a responsibility to use their fortunes for the greater good.
Haymarket bombing
1886 labor protest in Chicago that turned violent.
Henry Ford
Founder of the Ford Motor Company and pioneer of assembly line production.
Homestead Strike
1892 strike at Carnegie Steel that turned violent.
Horizontal integration
Business strategy of acquiring competitors to increase market share.
John D. Rockefeller
Founder of Standard Oil and one of the wealthiest individuals in history.
J.P. Morgan
Financier and banker who helped to create General Electric and U.S. Steel.
Knights of Labor
First significant labor organization in the U.S., founded in 1869.
Louisa May Alcott
Author of 'Little Women', known for her contributions to American literature.
Market structure where a single seller controls the entire market.
Pullman Strike
1894 nationwide railroad strike that disrupted rail traffic.
Samuel Gompers
Founding president of the American Federation of Labor.
Social Darwinism
Theory that applies the concept of 'survival of the fittest' to human societies.
Vertical integration
Business strategy of controlling all aspects of production.
Wright brothers
Aviation pioneers credited with inventing and building the first successful airplane.
City beautiful movement
Urban planning movement aimed at introducing beautification and monumental grandeur in cities.
Social and economic order that encourages the acquisition of goods and services.
Theory of biological evolution developed by Charles Darwin.
Jacob Riis
Social reformer known for his work on improving living conditions in urban areas.
Tammany Hall
Political organization in New York City known for its corruption and influence.
Crowded, urban apartment buildings that housed poor immigrants.
A theatrical variety show popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
William James
Philosopher and psychologist known for his work on pragmatism.
William (Boss) Tweed
Political leader known for his corrupt practices in New York City.
William Randolph Hearst
Newspaper publisher known for sensational journalism.
Benjamin Harrison
23rd President of the United States.
Chester A. Arthur
21st President of the United States.
Coxey's Army
Protest march by unemployed workers in 1894.
Farmers' Alliances
Organizations of farmers that aimed to improve economic conditions.
Free silver
Movement advocating for the unlimited coinage of silver.
Members of the Patrons of Husbandry, a farming organization.
Grover Cleveland
22nd and 24th President of the United States.
Faction of the Republican Party that favored civil service reform.
Interstate Commerce Act
1887 law that regulated railroads and established the Interstate Commerce Commission.
James A. Garfield
20th President of the United States, assassinated in 1881.
Panic of 1893
Severe economic depression that began in 1893.
Pendleton Act
1883 law that established a merit-based system for federal employment.
Political movement representing the interests of common people.
Sherman Antitrust Act
1890 law aimed at preventing monopolies and promoting competition.
Faction of the Republican Party that opposed civil service reform.
William Jennings Bryan
Three-time presidential candidate known for his populist views.
William McKinley
25th President of the United States, assassinated in 1901.