1973-74 controversy when Nixon was implicated in a cover up of espionage and sabotage of the 1972 Democratic campaign
Smoking Gun Tape
Secret recording taken in White House on 6/23/1972 in which Nixon told his top campaign aide to help CIA cover up Watergate
Republican Committee to Re-Elect the President
Campaign arm of Nixon’s 1972 re-election bid which spied on the Democratic offices at Watergate in June 1972
Helsinki Accords
1975 diplomatic treaties affirming Soviet control of Eastern European states like Poland, USSR acknowledges human rights
Title IX
Section of the Educational Amendments of 1972 which bans sex discrimination in federally funded education programs
Equal Rights Amendment
Failed constitutional amendment that sought to eliminate sex discrimination by the government, passed Congress in 1972 but didn’t have 38 states
Reed v. Reed
1971 Supreme Court case ruling that laws establishing estate administration based on sex is unconstitutional
Frontiero v. Richardson
1973 Supreme Court case ruling that sex discrimination in military family benefits is unconstitutional
Roe v. Wade
1973 Supreme Court case ruling that abortion is legal under the right to privacy
Phyllis Schlafly
Antifeminist activist who opposed ERA because it would eliminate protections for women and weaken the nuclear family
Milliken v. Bradley
1974 Supreme Court case ruling that desegregation plans couldn’t force students across school district lines
Allan Bakke
White medical school applicant who brought case to Supreme Court when he was rejected from UC Davis for being white
United States v. Wheeler
1978 Supreme Court case ruling that native tribes had a limited degree of sovereignty and weren’t subject to state governments
Indian Gaming Regulatory Act
1988 law which created an apparatus to regulate tribal casinos and protect them as important parts of the tribal economy
New Right
Conservative movements emerging in the 1970s and 1980s which was more populist and nationalist, focused on abortion, school prayer, and busing
1976 Election
Jimmy Carter (D-GA) defeats Gerald Ford (R-MI) 297-240, captures 97% of black vote but loses the white southern vote 53%-46%
Camp David Accords
Agreement signed on 9/17/1978 which saw Israel agree to withdrawal troops from lands won during Six-Day War, Egypt agrees to respect Israeli borders
Camp David
Presidential retreat in Maryland which was the site of many foreign agreements between nations, including Israel and Egypt in 1978
Malaise Speech
Jimmy Carter’s speech on 7/15/1979 where he blamed the materialism and immorality of the American people for inflation and the oil crisis
Milton Friedman
Nobel-prize winning economist who advocated for the free market and criticized Keynesianism
Free to Choose
Milton and Rose Friedman’s 1979 book which promoted the free market as a means to solve social issues
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II
1979 negotiations between Carter and Brezhnev which sought to reduce the amount of weapons each country had, failed in Senate
Iran Hostage Crisis
444 day period where Iranian Islamic terrorists held American diplomats hostage at the US Embassy in Tehran, ended when Reagan took office
Term for the 1970s’ economy which saw low employment growth and high inflation
Robin Morgan
Radical feminist activist who founded advocacy groups and health networks
Leonid Brezhnev
Leader of the USSR who negotiated SALT II treaty and ordered Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Gerald Ford
First unelected president who tried to combat inflation, lost 1976 in narrow fashion