What colour in tabs
Dark brown
Hopkins 2 opinions on the treatment of soldiers
“Look at us. Were sheep that’s what. Sheep to the bleeding slaughter.”
“A bayonet is a weapon with a worker at both ends”
Luxury of the officers treatment examples
Semantic field of luxury : “splendid” “banquet” “magnificent dinner”
‘Servants had put in a heroic effort’ - lower class used to disposal
Polysyndetic List: “roast goose, roast pork, a magnificent salmon and to follow cherry tart”
Interaction between Abercrombie and Hopkins which shows class divide
“Hopkins hung upon the wheel all day”
“Unpleasant task” - isn’t comfortable but it is his duty as an aristocrat
Quite which shows the hierarchical injustice of the investigation of Abercrombies death
‘This war is costing us on average a thousand casualties a day and we are discussing the fate of two men, one whom is already dead’