Causing a bottleneck
Creating an obstacle or delay in progress or production
The bottom line
net income or loss
Get on board
agree or accept sth.
Across the board
everywhere, applying to everybody
Call it a day
finish for today
Cut our losses
stop doing sth that is already failing in order to reduce the amount of time or money that is being wasted on
Cut corners
save money or effort by finding easier or cheaper ways to do sth
Take somebody on board
employ someone
A can of worms
a source of many unpredictable and complicated problems
Close a deal
complete a negotiation
Breath down someone’s neck
watch someone's actions very closely
keep a cool head
stay calm
look forward to
eagerly wait for
cut down
sum up
put forward
lay off
get on to
make contact with
get out
leave, escape
get down to
begin to do sth
come up with
think of or produce
pull out of
withdraw from
knock off
leave work to go home
stand out
be noticeable
slack off
work less hard than usual
go under
go bankrupt
a cryptocurrency
a digital form of money produced by a public company
money laundering
moving and transferring illegal money to make it seem legal
a seizure
taking something using legal authority
to keep something secret
attracting a lot of attention in the media
a ledger
a record of money received and paid
to build or create sth again
a crackdown
a situation where there is more effort to punish people for a specific crime
major contributor
a big part of the value of sth
associated with
connected to
carry out sth.
to conduct
the first stage of a process
starting point
masked by
appearance or arrival of sth
results of an action
fall through
break the ice
make someone you have not met before feel more relaxed
get away with
escape blame or punishment