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French Revolution
a rebellion of French people against their king in the late 18th Century
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Louis XVI
French monarch overthrown in the French Revolution.
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Estates General
An assembly of representatives from all three of the estates, or social classes, in France.
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Marie Antoinette
Queen of France (as wife of Louis XVI) who was unpopular her extravagance and opposition to reform contributed to the overthrow of the monarchy;
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the wealthy middle class within the Third Estate, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people
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National Assembly
First French Revolutionary assembly created by members of the Third Estate to reform France. Issued Declaration of the Rights of Man.
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Bastille Day
July 14th. Celebration in France to celebrate when people stormed the hated fortress that had been a symbol of the king's oppression.
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Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
Statement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution.
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Civil Constitution of the Clergy
A document, issued by the National Assembly in July 1790, that established a national church system in France with a process for the election of regional bishops. The document angered the pope and church officials and turned many French Catholics against the revolutionaries.
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Divisions of the government in France created by the National Assembly based on geography and designed to break loyalty to local nobility.
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member of a radical political club during the French Revolution who pushed for a Republic and execution of the King.
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Maximilien Robespierre
Revolutionary leader, head of the Committee of Public Safety, who tried to wipe out every trace of France's past monarchy and nobility.
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National Convention
The government of France during the Radical Phase of the French Revolution
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Jean-Paul Marat
Fiery Jacobin in France whose radical newspaper fueled the French Rev. Killed by Charlotte Corday in his bathtub.
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Political faction who wanted a Republic, but did not want Louis XVI executed because they thought he would become a martyr
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Reign of Terror
This was the period in France where the Radicals/Jacobin led by Robespierre ruled and used revolutionary terror to control France.
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Committee of Public Safety
Powerful group, led by Robespierre, set up to defeat all enemies of the revolution by sending them to the guillotine.
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Georges Danton
Well-known Jacobin and lawyer eventually executed for being less radical than Robespierre
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levee en mass
Law that obligated all French men between certain ages to enlist in the army during the French Revolution
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Olympe de Gouges
French journalist who published the declaration of rights of women and the female citizens. Executed by the Radicals.
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Society of Revolutionary Women
A group of working class women who wore distinctive red bonnets and vowed to rush to fight for France. Disbanded by the Jacobin.
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Napoleon Bonaparte
Overthrew the French government, the Directory, in 1799 and became emperor of France in 1804.
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Abbe Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes
member of the first estate who wrote the pamphlet What is the Third Estate?
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What is the Third Estate?
Pamphlet written by Abbe Sieyes. It declared the nobility to be a useless caste that should be abolished and the commoners were "everything".
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First Estate
Social class consisting of the Roman Catholic Clergy; they received special privileges and paid no direct taxes
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Second Estate
Social class consisting of people with titles of Nobility in France. They had special privileges and paid almost no taxes.
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Third Estate
97% of the population of France. Anyone from rich to poor without a title of nobility and not a member of the clergy. they paid high taxes and had no special privileges
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Church officials
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A machine for beheading people, used as a means of execution during the French Revolution.
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Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (or death)
Motto of the French Revolution
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