Lang Comma Quiz

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Rule 1

Use commas to separate a long introductory phrase from the main clause

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Rule 1

Use commas to separate a long introductory phrase from the main clause

After our game with Central High School, our bus broke down.

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Rule 2

Use commas to separate a dependent clause from the main clause IF the dependent clause comes first.

Before you leave, give us your address and telephone number.

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Rule 3

Use commas to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses in a series.

He drove through Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky.

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Rule 4

Use commas to separate coordinate (aka back-to-back) adjectives.

He was a tall, strong man

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Rule 5

Use commas to enclose a single word that interrupts the flow of the sentence.

He was, however, a man

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Rule 6

Use commas to enclose phrases that interrupt the flow of the sentence.

That song, in my opinion, is bad

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Rule 7

Use commas to enclose dependent clauses that interrupt the flow of the sentence.

The book, although praised by critics, failed to gain popularity among readers who were seeking more accessible narratives.

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Rule 8

DO NOT use commas to separate a dependent clause from an independent clause that precedes it, unless you’re intentionally using it for pacing purposes

right: She was smart after graduating

Wrong: She was smart, after graduating

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Rule 9

Use semicolons (not commas) among items in a series containing internal punctuation.

I like apples, which are red; bananas, which are yellow; and pears, which are green.

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