Festinā lentē - Augustus
Hurry Slowly
Vae victis- Brennus
Woe to the conquered
Karthage Delenda est- Cato the Elder
Carthage must be destroyed
Avē atque Valē- Catullus
Hail and goodbye
Fortuna caeca est - Cicero
Fortune is blind
Non nōbis solum nati sumus- Cicero
we are not born for ourselves alone
O tempora, o mores- Cicero
O the time, o the customs
In hoc signo vinces- Constantine
You will conquer this sign
Nihil nimis- Apollo’s temple in Delphi
Nothing in excess
Nos morituri te salutamas- gladiators before fights
We about to die greet you
Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero- Horace
Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in tomorrow
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori- Horace
It is sweet and proper to die for your country
Exegi monumentum aere perennius- Horace
I create a monument more lasting than bronze
Sic semper tyrannis- John Wilkes booth
Thus always to tyrants
Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres- Julius Caesar
All of Gaul is divided into three parts
Veni vidi vici- Julius Caesar
I came, I saw, I conquered
alea iacta est- Julius Caesar my boy crossing my favorite river
The die has been cast
Difficile est saturam non scribere- Juvenal
It is difficult not to write Satire
Mens sana in corpore sano- Juvenal
A healthy mind in a healthy body
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes- Juvenal
Who will guard the guards themselves?
Ventrem feri- agrippina the younger
Strike the belly
Acta est fabula plaudite omnes- Augustus
The play is finished, all applaud
Qualis artifex pereo- Nero
As what an artist I die
Vae puto deus fio- Vespasian
Woe, I think I am becoming a god
A fortiori- law phrase
From the stronger
Ab initio- law phrase
From the beginning
Actus reus- law phrase
A guilty act
Ad adsurdum- law phrase
To the point if absurdity
Ad hoc- law phrase
To this
Ad nauseam- law phrase
To the point of nausea
Alibi- law phrase
In another place
Amicus curiae- law phrase
Friend of the court
Corpus delicti- law phrase
The body of the crime
De iure- law phrase
By the right
Ex parte- law phrase
From the part of/on behalf of
Ex post facto- law phrase
After the fact
Habeas corpus- law phrase
You may have the body
Ipso facto- law phrase
By the fact itself
Mens rea- law phrase
Guilty mind
Post hoc, ergo propter hoc- law phrase
After this, therefore because of this
Prima facie- law phrase
At first appearance
Quid pro quo- law phrase
Something for another thing
Stare decisis- law phrase
Decision stands
Militat omnis amans- Ovid
Every lover is a soldier
Prefer et obdura-Ovid
Carry on and be strong
Rident stolidi verba Latina- Ovid
Fools laugh at Latin words
Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis- Ovid
Times change, and we are changed in them
Tempux edax rerum- Ovid
Time is the consumer of things
Ut ameris esto amabilis- Ovid
Be lovable so you might be loved
Annuit coeptis- Ovid
He has nodded on our undertakings
Ad astra per aspera
To the stars through hardship
Ad hominem
A personal attack/ to the men
Ars gratia artis
Art for the sake of art
Bona fide
Caveat emptor
Let the buyer beware
Cui bono
To whom it does benefit
Cum grano salis
With a grain of salt
De facto
From the fact/happens naturally
Deus ex machina
God out of the machine
Dum spiro, spero
While I breath, I hope
Ex cathedra
From the chair
Fiat lux
Let there be light
Flagrante delicto
With the crime blazing
Gaudeamus igitur
Therefore let us rejoice
Hannibal ad portas
Hannibal at the gates
In aere piscari, in mari venari
To fish in the air and hunt in the sea
In loco parentis
In the place of a parent
In pectore
In the chest
In situ
In site (unmoved)
In unguem
To the nail
ipse dixit
He himself said
Lapsus linguae
Slip of the tongue
Magnum opus
A great work/masterpiece
Mos maiorum
The custom of the elders
Non sequitur
It does not follow
Non sibi sed patriae
Not for himself but for his country
Nosce te ipsum
Know yourself
Sine die
Without an appointed day
Res ipsa loquitur
The thing speaks for itself
Tabula rasa
A blank slate
Terra firma
Solid ground
Terra incognita
Unknown land
Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes
I fear the Greeks, even bringing gifts
Memento mori
Remember that you die
Ex nihilo nihil fit- Lucretius
Nothing comes from nothing
Quot homines, tot sententiae- Terence
As many men, so many options
Crescit eundo/ vires acquirt eundo- Vergil
To grow by going
Cave canem
Beware the dog
De mortuis nihil nisi bonum
Nothing except good about the dead
Errare humanum est
To err is human
In vino veritas
Truth in wine
Nihil sub sole novum
Nothing new under the sun
Auribus teneo lupum-Tiberius
I grab a wolf by the ears
Tempus fugit/ fugit irrepabile tempus- Vergil
Time flies
Cogito ergo sum- Renee Decartes
I think therefore I am
Faber est quisquis suae fortunae - Sallust
Each is the craftsman of his own fortune
oderint dum metuant- Accius
Let them hate so long as they fear
Humani Nihil a me alienum puto-Terence
I think nothing human to be foreign to me
Aut viam inveniam aut faciam- Hannibal
Either I’ll find a way or I’ll make one
ne plus ultra
Not more beyond (the best)