Psychology Research Methods pt1

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qualitative research

What is qualitative research?

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qualitative research

What is qualitative research?

Qualitative research is a method used to gather non-numerical data and gain an in-depth understanding of a particular phenomenon or topic. It involves collecting and analyzing subjective information such as interviews, observations, and textual analysis. This approach aims to explore the complexities and nuances of human behavior, attitudes, and experiences. Qualitative research provides rich and descriptive insights, allowing researchers to uncover patterns, themes, and meanings within the data. It is commonly used in social sciences, psychology, anthropology, and other fields where understanding human behavior is crucial.

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qualitative research

qualitative research

Qualitative research explores subjective meanings through methods like , ______________ ,__________, _____________. It captures social phenomena and provides a deeper context for new theories and hypotheses. It focuses on ________ sample size.

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target population

Definition: The _______ refers to the specific group or individuals that a research study or intervention is designed to focus on or benefit. It helps researchers and practitioners to narrow down their efforts and ensure that their findings or interventions are applicable and relevant to the intended group.

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quanitative research

Quantitative research is a research method that focuses on collecting and analyzing numerical data to __________________. It involves the use of --------------- to measure and quantify variables, aiming for objectivity and replicability.

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A __________ is a representative portion or example that is used to study or analyze a larger group or population. It is selected in such a way that it accurately reflects the characteristics and qualities of the whole group. By studying a __________, researchers can make inferences and draw conclusions about the entire population.

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external validitiy

External validity is the extent to which research findings can be ____________ or applied to a larger _________.

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high external validity

High external validity refers to the extent to which the findings of a study can be generalized or ____________ to real-world settings or populations.

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low external validity

Low external validity refers to the ____________ of research findings to real-world settings or populations. It indicates limited generalizability and suggests caution when applying results beyond the specific context in which the study was conducted.

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sampling bias

Sampling bias is a __________ that occurs when the sample selected for a study is not representative of the entire population, leading to inaccurate or misleading results.

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YAVIS bias

young, attractive, verbal, intelligent, and social

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random sampling

Random sampling is a method of selecting a __________ from a population, where each individual has an equal chance of being chosen. It helps to ensure that the sample is representative and reduces bias in research studies.

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opportunity sampling

Opportunity sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where the researcher selects participants based on _____________.

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self-selected sampling

Self-selected sampling is a non-probability sampling method where individuals _______ themselves to be part of the study. It relies on participants' voluntary decision to participate, often through surveys or online forms. This method may introduce bias as it only includes individuals who are motivated or interested in the topic.

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stratified sampling

Stratified sampling is a sampling technique where the population is divided into distinct groups or ________ based on certain characteristics. A proportional number of individuals are then randomly selected from each group to form the sample. This method ensures representation from all subgroups, reducing sampling bias and increasing accuracy.

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snowball sampling

Snowball sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where initial participants are selected based on ________. Then, these participants refer additional individuals who meet the criteria, creating a "snowball effect." This method is commonly used when the target population is difficult to reach or identify.

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purposive sampling

Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where researchers carefully select participants based on specific ____________ criteria.

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quasi experiment

A quasi experiment is a research design that resembles an experiment but lacks __________. It involves manipulating an independent variable and measuring its effects on a dependent variable, but lacks random assignment of participants to groups. This limits the ability to establish causal relationships compared to true experiments.

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natural experiment

A __________ is a research design where the occurrence of a naturally-occurring event or condition serves as the independent variable, allowing researchers to observe its impact on the dependent variable. It provides an opportunity to study causal relationships in a real-world setting, without direct manipulation by the researcher.

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field experiment

A __________ is a research method where an experiment is conducted in a real-world setting, rather than a controlled laboratory environment. It involves manipulating and measuring variables to observe their effects on participants' behavior or outcomes. This method allows for a high level of external validity, as it reflects real-life conditions and interactions.

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true/lab experiment

A _____________research manipulates the IV in a controlled environment

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extraneous variables

_________ ________________are variables that change the relationship between the IV and DV

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Participants variables

___________ __ _____________ are variables that are related to individual characteristics

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statistical variables

_______________ _____________ are variables that are related to things in the environment that may impact how each participant responds

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Controlled variables

________ ___ ________ are variables that kept constant in order to avoid influencing the relationship between the IV and DV

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Confounding variables

_______________ _________________ are variables that can potentially effect the relationship between the IV and DV that are unaccounted for, unpredictable and/or unstoppable.

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_____________ gives the purpose of the experiment

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Placebo control group

__ ______ ___________ __________ is the group who does not receive the treatment but thinks that they are.

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repeated measures

__________________ _____________ is the experimental design form where one sample of participants receives both conditions of the experiment

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Order effects

_____________ __________ occur when participants take place in more than one condition

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Practice effect

__________________ ______________ is when participants get better at the task the more they do it or develop strategies

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__________ is when one group starts with condition a and the other group starts with point B and then they swithc

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expectancy effect

______________ ______________ is when participants do what they think the research wants them to do

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screw you effect

_________ _______ ________________ is when participants may try to disprove the hypothesis and respond accordingly

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social desirability effect

__________ ________________ _______ is when the participant answer in a way that makes him/her either look good to the researcher

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Independent samples

___________ _________ is a form of experimental design where participants are randomly allocated to the experimental and control group

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demand characterstics

____________ __________ is when participants form an interpretation of the purpose of the experiment and subconsciously change their behavior

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matched designs

___________ ________ is an experimental form where the researcher purposefully matchews participants on a specific trait that put them in the control or experimental group

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standaridized procedure

_____________ __________ is the idea that directions given to participants during an experiment are in most basic form of “control” for a study

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random allocation

_____________ __________ participants are randomly chosen to conditions to avoid sampling bias

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Null Hypothesis

___________ _______________ is the hypothesis that states that there is no relationship between two variables

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Research Hypothesis

________ __________ is the hypothesis that indicates the direction of the relationship between IV and DV

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One-tailed hypothesis

-_____ ____________ is a hypothesis that indicates the direction of the relationship between IV and DV

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Two-tailed hypothesis

-_____ ____________ is a hypothesis that indicates no direction of the relationship between IV and DV

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frequency table

A ____________ _____________ is a summary chart that shows how often each of the various scores in a set of data occur

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A ________________ depicts a frequency of distribution where the height of the bars indicates the frequency of group scores and they touch

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bar graph

A _________ _______ depicts a frequency of distribution where the height of the bars indicates the frequency of group scores and the bars don’t touch

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Normal curve

___________ ____________ allows researchers to see the shape of the data easily, mean=mode=median

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skewed distrubituions

___________ ______________ are not equal on both sides of a central score

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positive dkew

__________ ______________ tail on the positive end, mean is higher than median

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negative skew

_________ _____________ tail on the negative end, mean lower than median

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descriptive statistics

_______________ ______________ are a way of organizing numbers and summarizing them so that patterns can be determined

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central tendency

___________________ is a single number(s) that describes the data set

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Standard Deviation

______________________________ is how dispersed the data is in relation to the meanL

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Inferential statistics

_______________________ is examining two sets of numerical data to see if your results are “statistcally significant”

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statistical significance

__________ _____ is the probablity we could get our observed results if the null hypothesis was true

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Nominal data

__________________ ________ is data that does not have a number associated with itO

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Ordinal data

_______________ _______ is data that is ranked

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Interval data

________ _________ is data that has values of equal intervals associated with it

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Ratio data

____________ is like interval data but zero does no exist

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