__Hadith 9:__
*No one eats better food than that which he eats out of the work of his hand.*
This Hadith emphasizes that earning one’s livelihood through hard work is not only a duty but a great virtue as well. All kinds of work and labor are respected in an Islamic society. Therefore, the test lies not in how much you earn but rather how you earn it and that is the ultimate distinction between halal and haram money. Islam warns that those who use wrongfully acquired wealth actually fill their stomachs from hell fire and so Muslims must only resort to legitimate means of earning.
The Holy Prophet was a model of excellence. In this context too, he never evaded physical hard work. In fact he himself actively participated in the construction of the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina, alongside his companions. Even, during the Battle of Trench, Prophet helped in digging the Trench. Therefore, we should never avoid physical labor nor should we think of it as below our dignity.
__Hadith 10:__
*One who manages the affairs of the widow and the poor man is like the one who exerts himself in the way of Allah, or the one who stands for prayer in the night or fasts in the day.*
This Hadith talks about the importance of attending to the needs of poor and helpless people of our society. As privileged members of our society it is our responsibility to bring relief to them and tend to their needs. Concern and efforts for the well being of these people will be a practical expression of one’s faith. This is the reason why Prophet compares such acts to worship and jihad – both of which enjoy a highly exalted status.
By taking care of the poor, needy and widows one can prove his or her degree of faith. Once the Prophet found a child who was crying; upon inquiry, he was informed that the child was an orphan and had no one to look after him. The Prophet said to that child: “would you like that Muhammad be your child and Ayesha be your mother?” We Muslims should also adopt such a conduct towards the orphans and shower on them our love and affection.
__Hadith 11:__
*‘I and the man who brings up an orphan will be in paradise like this.’ And he pointed with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle finger*.
This Hadith illustrates that Islam is not merely a set of worshipping rituals but a complete code of life that encompasses all aspects of human behavior. And hence the duties if individuals have been laid down clearly. In this Hadith, Prophet is informing Muslims about the exalted status of a person who looks after an orphan. Such a person will be in close kinship to the Holy Prophet in the hereafter, because orphans are the duty of the entire community, not just their relatives. So, all Muslims must play a role – financially and morally – in their upbringing.
Once the Prophet found a child who was crying; upon inquiry, he was informed that the child was an orphan and had no one to look after him. The Prophet said to that child: “would you like that Muhammad be your child and Ayesha be your mother?” We Muslims should also adopt such a conduct towards the orphans and shower on them our love and affection. This will result in the formation of a blissful society, prevent the loss of individuals who could become productive members and also ensure the Prophet’s companionship in heaven.
__Hadith 12:__
*The Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and give him peace) sent Abu Musa and Mu‘adh ibn Jabal to Yemen, and he sent each of them to govern a part. Then he said: ‘Be gentle and do not be hard, and cause rejoicing and do not alienate*.’
This Hadith serves as a code of conduct for all Muslim rulers on how to treat their subjects justly. According to Muslim faith, ultimate sovereignty and authority rest with Allah and an earthly ruler is only given the power to rule so as to work for the prosperity of his people. This Hadith instructs Muslim rulers to be gentle, patronizing and friendly towards whom they have been appointed rulers. These qualities are the foundations of a peaceful Islamic society and it is the responsibility of the ruler to make sure that peace prevails in his region.
A Muslim ruler is expected to discharge his duties with faith deeply ingrained in his mind and show maximum kindness and justness towards his subjects. Prophet, himself set an example of being a successful leader by maintaining peace in several communities in Medina. Like the Prophet, rulers of today should also treat their subjects with a kind and friendly attitude and never look at them with arrogance and haughtiness.