opinion essay written by leonard pitts jr
abt ppl trying to play god w/ the advances of technology
satirical essay by linnea saukko
abt how we are damaging the planet by using sarcasm to bring awareness to it
personal essay written by robert fulgum
abt how ppl shouldn’t be judged by their occupation
personal essay by harvey locke
abt his connection w/ the earth and his right of passage in his youth
an expository essay by beverly hungry wolf
tells the story for a female blackfoot warrior and how she became a legend
a personal essay by maxine tynes
abt how she relates to her writing and what she writes abt
a personal essay by lewis thomas
abt what he would choose as the seven wonders of the world
martin luther king jr’s speech
spoken at the washington monument abt the cruel and predjudice background of racism and how it must stop
a person essay by judith mackenzie
talks abt how in her childhood two women helped her family she she repays the kindness by giving money to a homeless man
a humorous essay by arthur black
abt how ppl have rly weird taste in what they will and won’t eat based on appearence
a scientific essay by david suzuki
abt how ppl become desensitized to certain noises over time and don’t notice as much as children will
written by alison lohana in limited omniscient in the third pov
abt a young girl w/ cancer who learns that one event in your life shouldn’t change everything abt you
written by jean woon in the first pov
abt a young korean girl who can’t understand her father’s speech since she doesn’t speak korean
written by martha brooks in first pov
abt a girl named deidre who tries to set her single dad up w/ a cashier
written by liam o’flaherty in limited omniscient and third pov
abt a young sniper who shoots another sniper and decides he wants to see what they looked out, and finds out it was his brother
written by jeanette c. armstrong in third pov limited omniscient
abt a girl named lena who struggles w/ her identity off and on the reserve
written by sunita majoshi is limited omniscient third pov
abt a princess who can whistle rly well and marries the man who is able to admit she is better at whistling than him
written by jack london in third pov omniscient
abt a hiker on the yukon trail who tragically dies due to his arrogance
written by me kerr in third pov omniscient
abt a boy named scott who pretends he has his teacher’s dog to get back at her for flunking him in math
written by sharon macfarlane in third pov limited omniscient
abt a mother who recalls her son after he gets into a car accident while she washes the blood stains out of his clothes
written by sinclair ross in omniscient third pov
abt a farmer named john and his wife ann who ends up committing adultery w/ their neighbor steven out of lonliness and shallowness
written by amy tan in the first pov
abt how her mother forced her to try and become a child prodigy by playing the piano
written by robert w. service
abt a man in love w/ the bartend named lou who ends up dying in a shoot out and having his gold stolen
written by alfred noyes
abt a theif who is in love w/ the landlord’s daughter named bess who ends up shooting herself in an attempt to save the highwayman from getting caught by the king’s men
written by carl sandburg
abt how the death and destruction caused by wars is slowly forgotten over the years
written by seigfried sassoon
abt how devastating the impacts of the trenches were on the soldiers
person vs person
person vs self
person vs nature
person vs society
person vs supernatural
person vs technology
exposition - what you need to know in a story
rising action - the buildup to the climax
inciting moment - the main conflict of the story is addressed
climax - where the main conflict is somewhat solved
falling action - what happens after the climax
denouement - the resolution of a story
was born apr. 23, 1564 in stratford-on-avon, england
died in 1616
started as an actor, an apprentice of his father’s is business, and got a degree at stratford grammer school
married anne hathaway on nov. 28, 1582 and she was eight years older than him and three months pregnant
got inspo from recent events and past poets
ruled for forty-five years (1558 - 1603)
nicknamed the virgin queen
ppl were convicted as witches and the economy was in shambles
ruled for twenty-five years (1603 - 1628)
was interested in the supernatural and wrote a book in 1697 called demonology
translated the bible from latin to english
renamed shakespeare’s theater troupe the king’s men
wrote in iambic pentameter
always had five acts w/ the third being the climax
was written around 1594 - 1596
takes place in verona, italy over five days in the fourteenth of fifteenth century
inspired by the poem written in 1562 '“tragicall hisoryeye of romeus and juliet”
directed by roberto benigni
takes place in arezzo, italy during ww2
under the facist views of benito mussolini’s rule
author harper lee was born on apr. 28, 1926 and grew up in alabama
the trial based inspired by the scottsboro case that took place in 1931 that accused nine young black men of raping two white women