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When did the persecutions by Roman Empire reach its peak? Who was the Emperor at the time?
AD 303 Emperor Diocletian
The first catecetacal school was based in _____, where teachers would combine instruction and Catholic Doctrine with instructions into the sciences and philosophy.
What year was the Edict of Milan?
T/F Decius was responsible for the first empire-wide persecution of christians.
The first translation of the Bible from its original languages into Latin by Saint Jerome is known as the?
T/F/ St. Peter was martyred during the time of Nero
What is known as the willful renunciation of the faith in its entirety?
What is a statement of belief based upon the New Testament? It is derived from a baptismal statement of belief used especially in Rome known as the old Roman it is therefore Associated particularly with the Church of Rome known as the what?
Apostles Creed
What is the Greek word for appearance, it refers to the heresy which claims Jesus only appeared to die on the cross?
What is the Latin word meaning "and the Son" and it is used to express the double procession of the Holy Spirit from the father and the son? St. Augustine discussion on the relationship The Father The Son and The Holy Spirit lay the groundwork for the addition of this Clause to the Nicene Creed.
What is a ban solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical Authority and accompanied by excommunication?
What is the ambiguous Greek word with a multitude of meanings that include word, account, meaning, reason, argument, saying, speech, Gospel of Saint John utilizes the this words meaning referring to the person of Jesus Son of God member of the Blessed Trinity?
What brings all Bishops entitled to vote from all over the world to discuss central issues of the Church, they are presided over by the Pope and issue decrees with the approval of the Pope that bind all Christians?
Ecumenical Council
What is known as the Gnostic Creator God of the material world?
Who is a person who denies one or more doctrines of the faith?
The word meaning "same substance"
Who are these great holy leaders who have come forward to lead the church explain the faith and meet the unique challenges posed by different heresies?
Church Fathers
What is a title specifically given by the pope to those who develop Theology and personal sanctity and are exemplary?
Doctors of the Church
The refusal to accept one or more truths of the faith which are required for Catholic belief.
Who is a person who denies the faith altogether?
The Scriptural purest party rejected the use of the word Homoousios at the Council of Nicea because it was not used in the Bible these are called___?
The study of the Church fathers is known as what?
What is the special word we use that means free from error, ecumenical council's definitions on faith and morals are considered free from error if that is the intention of the Pope and the Bishops in unison?
What is the school of philosophy which held that the Logos was a created being, not the supreme being? Platonic philosophies, in general, viewed the material world as less perfect than the world of the ideas.Thus, besides denying Christ's true divinity, many early Platonic heresies Greatly de emphasized Christ's humanity, if not openly denying it.
What literally means bearer of God?
This bishop was the first person to use the term Catholic Church. He was martyred in Rome in 107.
St. Ignatius of Antioch
This one is a disciple of St. Polycarp, and a bishop. He wrote systematically against heresies including Gnosticism, and was martyred during the reign of Emperor Septimus Severus. He was also the last doctor the church added to the list.
St. Irenaeus
this saint, was a friend and correspondent of St. Ignatius, he was the Bishop of Smyrna, spent his life defending Catholic belief against heresies.
St. Polycarp
one of the most famous martyrs during the reign of Marcus Aurelius. He wrote an important Catholic apologist, or he was an important Catholic apologist. He was born pagan, studied philosophy before converting to Catholicism.
St. Justin Martyr
The deacon who was arrested while celebrating mass. With Pope Saint Sixtus the second famously said, "I am roasted enough on the side. Turn me around."
St. Lawrence
List the four characteristics needed to be met for somebody to be considered a church father. (NOAH)
Antiquity, Notoriety, Orthodoxy/Doctrine, Holiness
Church Fathers, second in importance only to the Apostles, are divided into what four groups?
East(Greek), West(Latin), Desert, Apostolic
This was a cantankerous and passionate writer, with passion and spirit. For the ascetical life and scholarship, he's best known for translating the Bible from its original sources into the Vulgate, or Latin Common Language.
St. Jerome
This one was a fearless and persistent opponent of Arianism, despite at least five forced This saint's life work was the Nicene Creed. And he wrote many books in its defense and against Aryanism. He also established the creed which becomes the precursor for the Nicene Creed.
St. Athanasius
This was a hermit and bishop of Caesarea, whose ascetically life set the example for the monastic rule still followed in the East today. Further hint, he influenced the writing of the fourth eucharistic prayer.
St. Basil the Great
This saint, whose papacy gave moral authority and prestige to the office of Pope, he consolidated papal power and secured a re script from Emperor Valentinian III, acknowledging papal jurisdiction.
His strong opposition against heresies and barbarians earned him the title the Great.
St. Leo the Great
Perhaps the greatest church father and dominant figure in Catholic thought until the 13th century, he grew up in North Africa, taught rhetoric in Rome and Milan before having a famous conversion experience in becoming a priest and bishop of Hippo.
St. Augustine of Hippo (of a big city in Africa/water horse)
leading theologian during the time of the Aryan heresy, he's called the Athanasius of the West for his defense of orthodox teaching against the Aryans. Rather than simply condemning the heretics, he tried to explain that some of the disagreements were merely semantic He is from a city that sounds very French
St. Hilary of Poitiers
Who spent time as a rhetorician before entering an ecclesiastical career? He was one of many bishops forced into exile for opposing Aryans. In espousing the Nicene Creed, his teachings and writings used Neoplatonic philosophy and he defended the title, Theotokos, or Mother of God.
St. Gregory of Nyssa
Born in Trier, Germany, he studied law and became a lawyer, and then governor of Milan, this city's Arian bishop died in 373, the people clamored for this man to become bishop. He resisted at first. And eventually he was baptized, ordained, and made bishop. He zealously defended the church's independence from the state, offering counsel and condemnation to the emperors. He opposed Arianism, was an excellent preacher, encouraged monasticism.
St. Ambrose
Studied law and theology. Um, in the Antiochian school, was ordained in 386, was such an excellent preacher, he wrote on the priesthood, a treatise on the importance and duties of a priest. The emperor made him the patriarch of Constantinople against his wishes, but his honesty about Constantinople's moral laxity clashed with the imperial family, leaving the imperial The second banishment, this ailing saint was forced into a death march.
St. John Chrysostom
Clement of Rome, Bishop of Rome. What type of Father?
Ambrose of Milan. Bishop of Milan from 339 to 397
Cyril of Alexandria
Pachomius of Thebade
Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna.
Isador Bishop Sivil
St. Basil Bishop of Caesarea
Anthony of Egypt
Founded in the 4th century, this heresy denied. The existence of a human mind and the will in Christ.
Third and fourth century heresy founded by an Alexandrian priest that denied Jesus divinity. Claiming that Jesus is neither God nor equal to the Father, but rather an exceptional creature raised to the level of Son of God, because of his heroic fidelity to the Father's will and his sublime holiness.
Derived from the Greek word meaning appearance. This Gnostic heresy maintained that Jesus did not die on the cross, but was spared by someone.
This heresy rejected the sacraments celebrated by clergy who had formerly betrayed their faith.
Derived from the Greek word for knowledge, this name refers to one of the principal tenets of the multifaceted heresy, namely the salvation may be achieved through knowledge. In the second century in which, uh, which had eastern origins and influences from Persia and Italy was successfully perverted the meaning of Christianity and its symbols.
what heresy is founded in the 3rd century? It's an elaborate form of Gnosticism. It involved a relationship between light and darkness
Founded in the 2nd century, the founder borrowed The Gnostic idea of a Demiurge called this force the jealous and vengeful God of law.
From a Greek word meaning alone and nature. This heresy claimed that there is only one nature in Christ, and that his human nature is love. Incorporated into the divine nature. Talk about it today as God being possessed by a human.
The heresy claiming that Christ has two natures, but only one will.
Founded in the second century, the founder believed that due to an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon him, He knew that a new heavenly kingdom was imminent.
Founded in the 4th century by the Patriarch of Constantinople, this heresy maintained that Christ was both human and divine, but was not himself fully human or fully divine. Instead, he believed that Christ was a union of two men, one human, the other divine
Founded by a Roman priest declaring that those who had renounced the faith could never be readmitted into the church.
This heresy denied original sin and the need for grace in man's salvation. According to this heresy, the sacraments are superflus and salvation and holiness can only be achieved through human endeavor.
This heresy held that in the end, all people and all angels, even the fallen ones, will return to the pristine spiritual state. They will end up in heaven.