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Single owner or "Mom & Pop" Shops; selling friendship bracelets on etsy
Co-Owners; you and your buddy open a restaurant
Limited Partnerships
General Partner operates, Limited Partners invest
Limited Liability Companies
Incorporated business entity; most flexible
Limited Liability Partnerships
Another form of incorporated partnership; law firms, accounting firms
Businesses with a separate legal status apart from owners; 'people under' the law
an arrangement in which the owner of a trademark, trade name, or copyright licenses others to use the trademark, trade name, or copyright in the selling of goods or services.
Fiduciary Obligations
DUTY OF LOYALTY AND CARE: Business associates are subject to fiduciary obligations (extremely high standards) with
regard to one another
Duty of Loyalty
Higher standard of behavior -> trustee like
- Duty to act faithfully with regard to one's obligations and duties
- Put interests of business entity ahead of own interests
Duty of Care
- Duty of due care in performing duties
- Requirement to act in good faith
- Counterpart of common law negligence
- Must act in best interests of enterprise