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what do good decisions require?
good information
what is good information derived frm
data (raw facts)
where is data stored
in databases
where did databases evolve from
computer file systems
what types of data are stored
end user data
desktop database
single user database on a personal computer
workgroup database
Multiuser database that supports a small number of users or a specific department
enterprise database
Multiuser database: supports many users across multiple departments
Evolution of Data Processing: 1st Manual file systems
accomplished through a system of file folders and filing cabinets
Evolution of Data Processing: 2nd computerized file systems
data processing (DP) specialist created a computer based system that would track data and produce required reports
Evolution of Data Processing: 3rd File System Redux: Modern End-User Productivity Tools
Includes spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel
islands of information
scarttered data locations
what do islands of information increase the probability of
having different versions of the same data
data dictionary
stores definitions of data elements and their relationships
data storage management
performance tuning ensures efficient performance
data transformation and presentation
data is formatted to conform logical expectations
security management
enforces user security and data privacy
multiuser asccess control
sophisticated algorithms ensure that multiple users can access the database concurrently without compromising its integrity
back up and recover management
enables recover of the database after a failure
data integrity management
minimizes redundancy and max consistency
querly language
lets the user specify what must be done without having to specify how
structured QL
de facto query language and data access standard supported by the majority of DBMS vendors
what defines the database structure
database design
why were DBMS created?
to address the file systems inherent weaknesses
how can databases be defined
according to the number of users locations as well as data usage and structure
database systems provide?
structural independence
database systems support?
data independence
database systems reduce?
data redundancy resulting in fewer anomalies