upbeat style
to monetise
make money from
without prejudice
attractive or interesting
quick and energetic
a/to pitch
short persuasion (make a pitch for sth, pitch an idea to sm, smoła)
an elevator pitch
a short pitch
a price-draw
revenue stream
prowizja, zlecenie
innovative, different
divergent thinking
innovative, outside the box
cognitive disinhibition
lack of restraint
inherent in creativity
trwiące w kreatywności ?
wzgórze, cz. mózgowia
tinkering with
attempt to reapair
get round
poradzić sobie
read up on
dokształcić się
dream up (dreamt)
on the back burner
na wstrzymaniu
to go against the grain of business
to do sth new and unusual
cognitive flexibility
the ability to switch focus as needed to complete a task
to go beyond what is familiar
get out of your comfort zone
bipolar disorder
A mood disorder
social appropriateness
attending to rules and expectations that apply in social situations
influences movement, learning, attention, and emotion
a degree of uncertainty
poziom niepewności
get in the way of innovation
to be an obstacle for innovation
to write code for
a high-tech
person who knows the newest technology
an innovator
have an insight into
to start to understand something
well thought out
competitive environment
konkurencyjne środowisko
rest on sb's laurels
to be satisfied with your achievements and not to make an effort to do anything else
stay ahead of competitors
wyprzedzić konkurencję
to meet consumer demands
sprostać wymaganiom konsumentów
self-driving delivery robots
robots delivering stuff
a fleet of sth
a group of planes, buses, taxis, etc. travelling together or owned by the same organization
powered by electricity
energy efficient
using less energy
an Estonian-based
based in Estonia
cut down on traffic
to do or use less of something (here: traffic)
cut down on delivery vehicles
to do or use less of delivery vehicles
a huge input in terms of gas, they take up space, they cause congestion
ogromny wkład w postaci gazu, zajmują miejsce, powodują zatory
dedicated in-house innovation centres
dedykowane wewnętrzne centra innowacji
blue-sky thinking is encouraged
to encourage to use the imagination to think of ideas that do not yet have practical uses or make money
set up innovation campuses for start-ups
tworzenie kampusów innowacyjnych dla start-upów
However much a company might create a culture which encourages innovative thinking among its employees, the mindset and skills needed for innovation don't always exist within internal teams.
high-profile athletes
well known (celebrities) athletes
cutting-edge, high-performance products
najnowocześniejsze produkty o wysokiej wydajności.
roster of athletes
a list of people's names and sometimes their work schedules, esp. for a military unit or a sports team
embrace open innovation
to accept enthusiastically open innovation
in-house research staff
wewnętrzna kadra naukowa
specialized skill or technical knowledge; know-how; expertness
run a competition
to organise a competition
blind to is things that are going on in adjacent industry
ślepy na to, co dzieje się w sąsiednim przemyśle
creativity out there that we can tap into
kreatywność, z której możemy skorzystać
tap into
to make use of
accept, encourage, start using, understand, include
embracing collaboration and looking beyond the boundaries of their organisations
akceptować/używać/zawierać współpracę i wychodząc poza granice swoich organizacji
to know a lot about technology