family and friends
small business owners approach close acquaintances to invest in or lend money to a business
peer-to-peer funding
individuals with available savings pool it with others in a peer investment scheme
business angels
some individuals specialise in making investments in start-up or expanding businesses
allows businesses to access finance provided by a large number of small investors on online platforms
joint venture / other businesses
it may be possible for a business to access finance via a joint venture with another business, such as key or customer supplier
bank loans
business may go to banks in order to raise finance for their business
share capital
raise finance through selling some of their shares either on stock exchange or privately
venture capital
investors invested in exchange for an equity stake in the business ( risky )
a fixed amount of money usually awarded by the government, EU or charitable organisation when the business meets certain conditions
leasing and hire purchase
renting apiece of equipment or machinery ( items belong to the leasing company )
provided when business makes payments from their business current account exceeding the available cash balance
trade credit
business may be given a period of credit, normally around 30-60 days