Dic, Dict
To say; to order
Dictate (v.)
To speak aloud in order that one’s words may be copied or recorded
To give an order; to make necessary
Malediction (n.)
A recital of words intended to harm; a curse
Benediction (n.)
A Blessing
Loc, Loqu
To speak
Locution (n.)
A style or action of speaking
Eloquent (adj.)
Powerful and Expressive
Colloquial (adj.)
Of or related to informal speech; conversational
To call
Evocative (adj.)
Calling forth a vivid image or impression
Equivocate (v.)
To use misleading or confusing language
Advocate (v.) + (n.)
(v.) 1. To argue in favor of
(n.) 2. Someone who argues for
Clam, Claim
To shout or call
Exclamatory (adj.)
Having a forceful, excited, or emotional tone
Declaim (v.)
To speak loudly and with feeling
Clamorous (adj.)
Characterized by a loud noise or outcry
Excruciating (adj.)
Extremely painful; antagonizing
Crux (n.)
The most important or decisive point
Crucial (adj.)
Necessary, Essential
To feel pain; to be grieved
Indolent (adj.)
Lazy, averse to work
Doleful (adj.)
Sad; mournful
Dolorous (adj.)
Mournful gloomy
Acri, Acer
Acerbic (adj.)
Harsh and biting in tone
Acrid (adj.)
Stinging or biting in odor or taste; harsh; irritating
Acrimonious (adj.)
Exhibiting sharp harshness in speech or mood
Exacerbate (v.)
To make worse or more severe
To boil, to be warm
Fervent (adj.)
Passionately excited or enthusiastic
Fervor (n.)
Emotional Excitement; heated enthusiasm
Effervescent (adj.)
Highly spirited; animated