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(verb) to represent or show sth in a picture, vẽ, miêu tả,…
synonym: characterize, detail, illustrate
exmaple: The patterns are rarely reproduced exactly as depicted
The artist had depicted a girl doing the laundry
(verb) (1) to hurt somebody who trusts you, especially by lying to or about them or telling their secrets to other people
(2) to show feelings, thoughts, or a particular characteristic without intending to
He felt betrayed when he saw her having an affair
his voice betray the worry he was trying to hide
(noun) the state of being confidential, sự bảo mật
example: They signed a confidentiality agreement.
All replies will be treated with complete confidentiality.
A doctor should never betray patient confidentiality.
(adj) slow or late in happening or arriving ( đến muộn, chậm, trễ,v.v)
synonym: belated, late
example: Dinner was somewhat delayed on account of David's rather tardy arrival.
John were tardy for school four times this week.
Tom was not only tardy, but he also forgot all his books.
(adj) dữ dội, extreme and forceful or (of a feeling) very strong
synonym: extreme
example: She was suffering in the intense heat.
He suddenly felt an intense pain in his back.
It was such an intense storm that we had to stay indoors.
(noun) sự lịch sự/ phép lịch sự; polite behaviour
example: The standard of service and the courteousness of the staff were very impressive.
Our staff consistently receive high ratings from customers for knowledge, efficiency, and courteousness.
You will have to learn a lot about courteousness.
(adj) polite and showing respect, lịch sự
antonym: discourteous
synonym: well-mannered
example: Although she often disagreed with me, she was always courteous.
It was courteous of him to write a letter of thanks.
He is unfailingly courteous and friendly.
(noun) tự ti, thấp kém; the state of not being good, or not as good as someone or something else
antonym: superiority
example: His sense of inferiority is the result of his parents' ill-treatment.
Women had a position of social inferiority (vị trí thấp kém về mặt xh) as compared with men.
(adj)1. thấp kém, not good, or not as good as someone or something else
lower, or of lower rank, thấp kém hơn về địa vị
example: 1. These products are inferior to those we bought last year.
It was clear the group were regarded as intellectually/morally/socially inferior.
His compliment make Emma felt inferior
an inferior officer
(adj) praising or expressing admiration for someone, khen ngợi
antonym: uncomplimentary
example: She wasn't very complimentary about your performance, was she?
Our guests said some very complimentary things about the meal I'd cooked.
He was very complimentary about my food.
(noun) a light frame made from two long poles with a cover of soft material stretched between them, used for carrying people who are ill, injured, or dead, cáng, băng ca
example: He was carried off a stretcher.
The injured man was carried to the ambulance on a stretcher.
(adj) trẻ, young
example: A youthful president can be good for a country's morale.
She's a very youthful 65.
She looks very youthful in middle age.
(adj) very good at thinking of new and original ideas, sáng tạo
synonym: imaginative
example: He is very inventive, always dreaming up new gadgets for the home.
She has a highly inventive mind.
Ollie is inventive, he always has new ideas.
He is highly thought of for his inventive mind
(adj) A stubborn person is determined to do what he or she wants and refuses to do anything else, bướng bỉnh, ngoan cố
synonym: obstinate
example: They have huge arguments because they're both so stubborn.
He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong.
She can be as stubborn as a mule (= extremely stubborn).
She's so stubborn that her mother has never succeeded in persuading her.
(adj) vô nghĩa; something that is pointless has no purpose, and it is a waste of time doing it
example: He proved so stubborn that it seemed pointless to me to insist.
They still try to seek for their lost son although they know it's pointless to continue.
It's pointless arguing with him.
(adj) not certain, or wrong in some way, đáng ngờ
synonym: debatable
example: It is questionable whether this goal can be achieved.
The conclusions that they come to are highly questionable.
It is questionable whether she is having an affair or not.
Her faith in the power of God is questionable.
take/ catch (sb) unawares
definition: if something takes you unawares, it happens when you are not expecting it and are not prepared; bất ngờ; không để ý, bắt gặp
example: The question caught me completely unawares. (bất ngờ)
He was caught making faces at himself in the mirror. (không để ý, bắt gặp)
burst into song/tears/laughter
(idiom) to suddenly begin to sing/cry/laugh, bật khóc, cười,...
example: Much to my surprise, Caleb suddenly burst into song.
All of us burst into laughter at his joke.
Charlotte burst into tears when she saw her boyfriend back from war.
(verb) to praise something or someone very much, khen ngợi, ca ngợi
synonym: exalt, glorify, laud, praise
example: She is forever extolling the virtues of her children.
She was extolled as a genius.
Many poets have extolled the beauties of the countryside.
He is extolled for his achievement in the Olympics 2024.
(verb) to express admiration or approval of the achievements or characteristics of a person or thing, khen ngợi
synonym: compliment
example: My parents always praised me when I did well at school.
He was highly praised for his research on heart disease.
Anderson was praised for his great performance.
(adj) severe or difficult, esp. because at a high level, khắc nghiệt, nghiêm ngặt
synonym: strict.
example: The team's coach insisted on a program of rigorous training before the big game.
rigorous testing/checking/methods
Alex has suffered from rigorous training to win the gold medal.
(adj) not tight; loose; lỏng
synonym: loose
example: These tent ropes are too slack - they need tightening.
slack off
(phr v) to work less hard or to be less than is usual or necessary, lười biến
example: Workers tend to slack off on Mondays and Fridays.
He’s gone from success to success in his movie career, and there’s no sign of him slacking off.
Almost all students slack off on Monday morning.
(adj) neither small nor large in size, amount, degree, or strength; vừa phải
example: The cabin is of moderate size - just right for a small family.
He has a moderate ability.
We have had moderate success in changing people's attitudes.
(adj) very difficult or impossible to travel to or reach, khó tiếp cận
antonym: accessible
example: Her house is inaccessible by car, we just can go there by bike.
Some of the houses on the hillside are inaccessible to cars.
Dirt can be collected in inaccessible places.
(adj) Exorbitant prices, demands, etc. are much too large, đắt cắt cổ
example: The food in this restaurant is exorbitant.
Prices at Greek hotels are still affordable, but in Switzerland they are exorbitant.
(verb) to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of something, cản trở
example: High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze.
a political situation that hinders economic growth
Some teachers felt hindered by a lack of resources.
synonym: hamper
(verb) to block a road, passage, entrance, etc. so that nothing can go along it, or to prevent something from happening correctly by putting difficulties in its way, cản trở, tắc nghẽn (giao thông)
example: After the storm, the road was obstructed by many trees.
Her view of the stage was obstructed by a pillar.
An accident is obstructing traffic on the M11.
The crash obstructed the motorway, for several hours
(adj) a contagious disease can be caught by touching someone who has the disease or by touching an infected object, or by an infected person coughing, sneezing, etc. near you; truyền nhiễm
example: The infection is highly contagious, so don't let anyone else use your towel.
The new disease proved contagious.
Her sadness is contagious to others.
His enthusiasm was contagious (= spread quickly to other people).
The plague, otherwise known as the Black Death, was contagious.
(adj) next to or touching another, usually similar, thing:
example: The two states are contiguous with/to each other, but the laws are quite different.
The countries are contiguous.
The wardrobe is contiguous to the bed.
synonym: neighboring
(adj) (formal) depending on something that may or may not happen, tuỳ thuộc, phụ thuộc
example: All payments are contingent upon satisfactory completion dates.
Outdoor activities are, as ever, contingent on the weather.
Your success is contingent on your hard work.
(adj) pleasant to spend time with because their interests and character are similar to your own; ăn ý, dễ mến
example: a congenial colleague
he was a most congenial landlord
(adj) expensive
example: It's a bit pricey but the food is wonderful.
the clothes there are quite pricey.
synonym: costly, expensive,...
antonym: inexpensive, cheap,...
(adj) not confident enough to say or do what you want, ức chế, ngại, gượng gạo
example: The presence of strangers made her feel inhibited.
The young man felt inhibited in the presence of so many young ladies
Boys are often more inhibited than girls about discussing their problems.
No one should feel inhibited from taking part in the show.
synonym: hung up, shy
antonym: uninhibited
(noun) something that makes progress, movement, or achieving, trở ngại
example: In a number of developing countries, war has been an additional impediment to progress.
The lack of funds is a major impediment to research.
Katy has speech impediment (=a difficulty in speaking clearly, such as a lisp or stammer, nói lắp)
synonym: obstacle
(adj) frightened or nervous because you are not confident in a situation; sợ hãi
example: Older people can feel very intimidated by computers.
I've tried a lot not to be intimidated on the first day at school.
(verb) to prevent someone from doing something easily
synonym: hinder
example: Fierce storms have been hampering rescue efforts, and there is now little chance of finding more survivors.
High winds hampered the rescue attempt.
All these things hampered her success.
(verb) to stop something unwanted from spreading or increasing, ngăn chặn
example: These measures are designed to stem the rise of violent crime.
The cut was bandaged to stem the bleeding.
We must take action to stem violence at school.
(verb) to force someone or something to stop moving towards you or attacking you, đẩy lùi
example: It is not true that eating garlic repels mosquitoes.
The defenders repelled the attack without losing any men.
to repel an attack/invasion/invader
(verb)having to do something, because you are forced to or feel it is necessary, (ép) buộc
example: He felt compelled to report the incident.
I felt compelled to finish my deadline.
/ˈbɪld ʌp/
(noun) an increase in number or amount, sự tích tụ, gia tăng
example: They’re concerned about the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
a steady build-up of traffic in the evenings
carbon dioxide build-up in the atmosphere
greenhouse gas
/ˌɡriːnhaʊs ˈɡæs/
(noun) a gas that causes the greenhouse effect, especially carbon dioxide, khí thải nhà kính
example: a government commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
(verb) to send out a beam, noise, smell, or gas; phát ra
example: The alarm emits infrared rays which are used to detect any intruder.
The machine emits a high-pitched sound when you press the button.
(adj) relating to geology, or to the geology of a particular area or place, địa chất
example: a geological survey/map
the complex geological structure of the region
(verb)to happen or make something happen sooner or faster, đẩy nhanh
example: Inflation is likely to accelerate this year, adding further upward pressure on interest rates.
They use special chemicals to accelerate the growth of crops.
Government policy has greatly accelerated the decline of the small farmer.
antonym: decelerate
vicious circle
/ˌvɪʃəs ˈsɜːrkl/
(noun) a continuing unpleasant situation, created when one problem causes another problem that then makes the first problem worse, vòng luẩn quẩn
example: Many people get caught/trapped in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain.
She can't see any way to break out of this vicious circle.
Stress and fatigue can create a vicious circle.
(adj) connected with heat
example: thermal conductivity (= ability of a substance to carry heat)
It was the Romans who first recognized the medicinal benefits of Hungary's thermal springs (= ones which produce hot water).
thermal energy
(adv) always and for ever, vĩnh viễn, lâu dài
example: Smoking is likely to damage your health permanently.
Michael and his family have settled permanently in the States.
She had decided to settle permanently in France.
This door is kept permanently locked.
antonym: temporarily
(adj) relating to the air or to the atmosphere, khí quyển
example: Plants are the main source of atmospheric oxygen.
If atmospheric conditions are right, it may be possible to see this group of stars tonight.
atmospheric pollution/conditions/pressure
(adj) arranged at an earlier time, sắp xếp trước
example: a prearranged visit
At a prearranged signal, everyone started moving forward.
antonym: predetermined
(adj) best or most important, hàng đầu
example: He's one of the nation's premier scientists.
Amelia is the premier student in her grade.
We stayed at one of Edinburgh's premier hotels.
(adj) forming the base, from which everything else develops, cơ bản
example: We need to make fundamental changes to the way in which we treat our environment.
It's one of the fundamental differences between men and women.
You first need to take a fundamental class.
synonym: basic, foundational
(verb) to send air out of your lungs, thở ra
example: Take a deep breath in then exhale into the mouthpiece.
He sat back and exhaled deeply.
She exhaled the smoke through her nose.
antonym: inhale
(adj) used after the name of a company that is a corporation (= a company or group of companies controlled as one organization), sáp nhập vào, kết hợp,...
example: Bishop Computer Services Incorporated
the Incorporated Society of British Advertisers
Adobe Systems Incorporated
(noun) a medical condition that affects especially old people, causing memory and other mental abilities to gradually become worse, and leading to confused behavior, bệnh mất trí nhớ
example: The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease.
This is an old patient with dementia.
(noun) the act of destroying something such as a building, sự/việc phá huỷ
example: the demolition of dangerous buildings
The demolition of the stadium is already underway.
The whole row of houses is scheduled for demolition.
(adj) a group of soldiers who are separated from the main group in order to perform a particular duty; một đội lính/quân
example: A military detchment was sent to the island to provide support.
A detachment of Italian soldiers was sent to the area.
(noun) 1. the end of something that was previously considered to be powerful, such as a business, industry, or system; sự sụp đổ
2. sb's demise (phrv) the death of a person
example: 1. The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected.
He praised the union's aims but predicted its early demise.
2. his imminent/sudden/sad demise
We were all stunned by his sudden demise.
My visits to his house continued until his sad demise at 86.
(noun) a line or pile of objects put together, often quickly, to stop people from going where they want to go; rào chắn
example: A few protestors broke through police barricades and rushed toward the site.
Inmates erected a barricade between themselves and the prison guards.
The police stormed the barricades the demonstrators had put up.
(noun) the edge or border of something; bờ, ven
example: They set up camp on the verge of the desert.
a grass verge
The vehicle crossed white lines and mounted a verge before being stopped by police.
(noun) the floor of an entrance to a building or room, ngưỡng cửa
example: He stepped across the threshold.
She stood hesitating on the threshold.
(noun) 1. the outside edge of an area of land, xung quanh, ranh giới
2. the total length of the outside edge of an area or a shape, chu vi
example: 1. Guards patrol the perimeter of the estate.
Many of the offices are located on the perimeter of the site.
There's a small shop on the perimeter of the camp.
2. Find the area and perimeter of the following shapes.
(noun) a ruler with unlimited power, or someone who demands that people completely obey them, nhà độc tài
example: He governed as an autocrat.
He was the autocrat of his household.
synonym: despot
(noun) the solid material that settles at the bottom of a liquid, cặn đáy
example: If milk is clean, there should be no sediment in the bottom of the bottle.
There was quite a layer of sediment at the bottom of the tank
(noun) a loose, dry substance that consists of extremely small pieces, usually made by breaking something up and crushing it, bột
exmaple: curry/chilli powder
A packet of white powder was found and police scientists are analysing it.
You can buy milk in powder form.
(noun) a small tool or device that does something useful, tiện ích
example: We live in a world filled with high-tech gadgets.
kids that hassle their parents to buy the latest electronic gadget
Modern gadgets like these make a huge difference to home life.
(noun) something that people are interested in for only a short period of time, mốt
example: the latest/current fad
It's just a fad. It won't last.
These fads come and go.
synonym: craze
(noun) craze (for something): an enthusiastic interest in something that is shared by many people but that usually does not last very long; a thing that people have a craze for, cơn sốt
synonym: fad
example: The latest fitness craze to sweep the country.
Is this interest in health foods just a passing craze?
It's the latest craze to hit San Francisco.
The princess started a craze for huge earrings.
(noun) competence (in something) | competence (in doing something) the ability to do something well
to gain a high level of competence in English; năng lực, khả năng
example: professional/technical competence
He gradually developed the competence to deal with the more difficult cases.
I'm afraid the work is beyond his competence.
(noun) the bulk (of something) the main part of something; most of something; phần lớn
example: The bulk of the population lives in cities.
The great bulk of the work has now been done.
(verb) overcharge (somebody) (for something) to make somebody pay too much for something; tính giá cao
example: Make sure they don't overcharge you for the drinks.
We were overcharged by £5.
(verb) to say something in a way that makes it seem more important than it really is; cường điệu hoá
synonym: exaggerate
antonym: understate
example: He tends to overstate his case when talking politics.
The seriousness of the crime cannot be overstated.
Her musical talent has been a little overstated.
( verb) overshadow somebody/something to make somebody/something seem less important, or successful; bị lu mờ
example: He had always been overshadowed by his elder sister.
Domestic policy was soon overshadowed by political unrest abroad.
(noun) a substance that is added in small amounts to something, especially food, in order to improve it, give it colour, make it last longer, etc.; phụ gia
example: food additives
The classification of additives by ‘E’ number is made under an EU directive.
additive-free orange juice ( không chứa phụ gia )
chemical additives in petrol
(noun) 1. a line or rope thrown to rescue somebody who is in difficulty in the water; sợi dây cứu sinh
2. something that is very important for somebody and that they depend on; sợi dây cứu sinh
example: 1. He clung to the lifeline and the woman pulled him towards the bank ( Anh ấy bám vào dây cứu sinh và người phụ nữ kéo anh ấy về phía bờ)
2. The extra payments are a lifeline for most single mothers.
He threw me a lifeline when he offered me a job.
live standard
definition: mức sống
example: Live standards in many developing countries are low.
have a sweet tooth
(noun) to like food that contains a lot of sugar
example: If you're looking for a snack, go talk to Jenny-she has a real sweet tooth so she probably keeps candy bars in her desk.
(noun) the quality of not talking about or not trying to make people notice your abilities and achievements; sự khiêm tốn
example: She does a lot of work for charities, but her modesty forbids her from talking about it.
He accepted the award with characteristic modesty.
I love her modesty.
(noun) the quality of doing something within reasonable limits; sự điều độ
example: You can eat whatever you want as long as it's in moderation.
All parties will have to show great moderation during these very difficult negotiations.
(noun) the act of checking and repairing a vehicle, machine, etc. to keep it in good condition; sự bảo dưỡng
example: Like any other type of equipment it requires regular servicing.
Bryce has taken the car in for servicing.
Household electrics, plumbing, and heating need regular servicing in the same way as your car.
(noun) the activity of knitting something, or a thing that is being knitted; đồ đan len, việc đan len
example: I'm hopeless at knitting.
She takes her knitting with her everywhere.
Where's my knitting?
(noun) the sport or activity of swimming or moving around under water, usually using special breathing equipment:
example: They offer many exciting activities such as dolphin watching, diving, snorkelling, and sailing.
We watched a film about deep-sea diving.
(noun) if you have a splitting headache, you have a very bad pain in your head; đau đầu dữ dội
example: I'm having a splitting headache
come to
(phr v) to become conscious again after an accident or operation:
example: Has he come to yet?
get to
(phr v) If something gets to you, it makes you suffer; làm khó chịu, đau khổ
example: The heat was beginning to get to me, so I went indoors.
(adj) not welcoming or generous to people who visit you; khắc nghiệt, không hiếu khách
synonym: unwelcoming
example: inhospitable terrain
an inhospitable climate
I'll have to cook them a meal or they'll think I'm inhospitable.
(noun) a physical or mental condition that makes ordinary activities more difficult than they are for other people; khuyết tật
example: His loss of hearing was a severe handicap.
She was born with what was then called a handicap.
a physical/mental/visual handicap
(noun) a feeling of embarrassment or worry that prevents you from saying or doing what you want; sự ngại ngùng, ức chế
example: After a couple of drinks he lost his inhibition and started talking and laughing loudly.
The children were shy at first, but soon lost their inhibitions.
She had no inhibitions about making her opinions known.
She was determined to shed her inhibitions and have a good time.
(noun) something that makes it more difficult for you to do something or for something to develop; trở ngại
example: I've never considered my disability a hindrance, but other people have.
The high price is a major hindrance to potential buyers.
The new regulations are actually a great hindrance to teachers.
(noun) an amount of food served to a person at one time; xuất ăn, phần ăn
example: He took another helping of dessert.
He had already eaten 6 sausages but that did not stop him from accepting a second helping.
(noun) a person who owns a particular type of business, especially a hotel, a shop, or a company that makes newspapers; chủ sở hữu
example: a hotel/newspaper proprietor
newspaper proprietors
Inquiries must be made to the proprietor.
(verb) to include something as part of something larger; kết hợp vào
example: be incorporated into/in Suggestions from the survey have been incorporated into/in the final design.
The new car design incorporates all the latest safety features.
Her new book incorporated all the best essays.
(noun) the state of not being involved in something in an emotional or personal way; sự tách biệt
example: He answered with an air of detachment.
She felt a sense of detachment from what was going on.
his increasing detachment from reality