English Romeo and Juliet

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Heretics definition

a person practicing religious heresy aka a religion other than the common belief

used in act 1 scene 2 line 90-95

“When the devout religion of mine eye maintains such falsehood, then turn tears to fires: And these, who often drowned, could never die, Transparent _______, be burnt for liars! One fairer than my love? The all seeing sun ne’er saw her match since the world begun.

“if ever he concede that Rosaline isn't the most beautiful woman in the world, then let his tears turn to fires, and his eyes be burnt as heretics.“

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a cause of distress giving reason for complaint

used in act I scene I lines 150-155

“See, where he comes: so please you, step aside; I’ll know his _______, or be much denied.”

he wants to find out what is making Romeo sad and will be disappointed if he doesn't find out.

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causing harm or ruin, highly injurious or destructive

act I scene I, line 75-80

“What, ho! You men, you beasts, that quench the fire of your _______ rage with purple fountains issuing from your veins!“

The two families are fighting and

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something against a command or law

use in act I scene I line 80

“At they good heart’s oppression. Why, such is love’s _______ “

“Benevolio, out of love for Romeo, has expressed sympathy for him, but Romeo feels that Benevolio's sympathy just compounds his burdens, and so Benevolio's love has gone too far, just as Romeo's love for Rosaline has gone too far.” his behavior is excused because it is motivated by love

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to increase of intensify

used in act I scene I line 125-130

“Many a morning hath he there been seen, with tears _______ the fresh morning’s dew, adding to clouds more clouds with his deep sighs;“

Romeo is depressed, crying every morning

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blood relatives, especially a man, or by marriage

used in act 2 scene 2 lines 33-78

“And the place death, considering who thou art, if any of my _______ find thee here“ - Juliet

if Juliet’s family find Romeo they would kill him.

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disgusting or utterly bad

used in act 2.3 line 17

“For nought (nothing) so _______ that on earth doth live“

the Friar is talking about mother nature being good as he collects his herbs.

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mournful, regrettable, unfortunate

used in act 4.5 21-55

“Most _______ day, most woeful day,“

the nurse is very sad because she things Juliet is dead.

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unhealthy in appearance

used in act 2.3

“Jesu Maria, what a deal of brine Hath wash'd thy ______ cheeks for Rosaline! “

Romeo has cried over Rosaline, but for what? Now he loves Juliet

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obtain or get through effort

used in act 2.2

“If thy bent of love be honorable, Thy _______ marriage, end me word to-morrow, By one that I'll procure to come to thee“

Juliet says that if Romeo plans to marry her, She will send a messenger to him tomorrow to find out the wedding plans.

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feel hatred or disgust toward

used in act 3.5 line 105

“Soon sleep in quiet. Oh, how my heart _______ To hear him named, and cannot come to him. To wreak the love I bore my cousin“

This line uses two meanings of "wreak": Juliet wants to avenge (wreak) the loss of Tybalt. She wants to express (wreak) her love for Romeo, which was like the love that she had for Tybalt.

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inconstant and not committed to something.

used in act 3.5 line ??

“O fortune, fortune! all men call thee _______:
If thou art _______, what dost thou with him.
That is renown'd for faith? Be _______, fortune;
For then, I hope, thou wilt not keep him long,
But send him back.“

“This is Juliet trying to get a grip on herself, to impose some kind of order and a framework of understanding. This is just bad luck, chance, Fortune, and Fortune is notoriously fickle, and Romeo is loyal and faithful – so Fortune won't want him, and in any case she's so fickle that she won't keep him long.“

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the act of expelling a person from their native land.

used in act 3.3 line 22

“Hence banished is banished from the world, and world’s _______ is death. Then banished is death mistermed“

Romeo means that he would rather die than be banished or exiled because it being without Juliet would be like dying.

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a fight

used in act one scene 1.1 line 168

“O me! What _______ was here? Yet tell me not, for I have heard it all. “

Romeo doesn’t like that they are fighting and doesn't want to hear it anymore. The feud has to do with hate but also love.

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fluent of persuasive, speaking, or writing

used in act 3.2

“And she brings news, and every tongue that speaks but romeo’s name speaks heavenly _______. Now nurse, what news?“

Romeo’s name is more fluent or persuasive than other people

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comfort in times of grief or worry

used in act 4.5 lines 50-55

“But one, poor one, one poor and loving child,
 But one thing to rejoice and _______ in,
 And cruel death hath catched it from my sight!“

Friar Lawrence says to not mourn Juliet, and be happy that she is going to go to heaven. This is ironic because he knows she is not dead and isn’t mourning her.

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highly offensive arousing aversion or disgust

used in act 2 scene 6 lines 10-15

“The sweetest honey is _______ in his own deliciousness and in the taste confounds the appetite. Therefore love moderately.“

“The Friar explains that love begins wildly and passionately, but its initial vigor fades. He says this can be overcome and a strong relationship can be built by loving moderately and patiently. Laurence uses imagery such as fire, gun powder, and honey as ways to illustrate varying characterizations of love.“

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to bow or kneel down in humility or adoration

used in act 4 scene 2 line 20-25

“Where I have learn'd me to repent the sin Of disobedient opposition To you and your behests, and am enjoined By holy Lawrence to fall _______ here, To beg your pardon:—pardon, I beseech you!“

Juliet is apologizing to her father for not wanting to get married and refusing him. She is not being truthful.

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to instruct or urgent someone to do something

act 4.2 line 20-25

“To you and your behests,and am _______“

she convinces her father that she will listen to him and marry Paris. She is following his instructions.

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thoughtful, melancholy

used in act 4.2 line 40 spoken by Friar Lawrence

“My leisure serves me, _______ daughter, now.—My lord, we must entreat the time alone.

I have time now, my sad daughter. 

[To PARIS] My lord, we must ask you for so“

Juliet sees Paris in the friars vault and she begs him to help her escape the marriage. The Friar asks Paris for time alone for “confession“

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a small part remaining after the main part no longer exist

used in act 5.1 line 50-55

“_______ of packthread and old cakes of roses, Were thinly scattered to make up a show.Noting this penury, to myself I said,“An if a man did need a poison now”—“

The apothecary’s shop has only remnants he is very poor and doesn’t make a lot of money. Romeo wants to buy illegal poison from him.

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a state of extreme poverty or destitution

used in act 5.1 line 55

Noting this _______, to myself I said,“An if a man did need a poison now”—

Because you are desperate and poor, if I needed the poison, you should sell it to me. - Romeo

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having shown arrogant superiority

used in act 5.3 line 49

“This is that banished _______ Montague, That murdered my love's cousin, with which grief  “ - Paris

Paris sees Romeo in Juliet’s tomb. He is angry at Romeo because he killed Tybalt and he thinks that is why Juliet died (of sadness due to his death)

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a burial vault or tomb

used in act 5.3

I cant find the line but it is when Romeo opens Juliet’s tomb and thinks she is dead.

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unclear or having uncertain meaning.

used in act 5 scene 3 lines 213-222

Prince: “Seal up the mouth of outrage for a while, till we can clear these _______.“

The prince tells everyone to be quiet and to cover up the tomb so they don’t have to see the horrible sights.

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