Why use anova?
running separate tests multiple times inflates type one error
type one error
rejecting the null hypothesis even if it is true
tests to see if there are differences between 2 or more groups simultaneously
(variation between groups)/(variation within groups)
x double bar
the mean of all values, ignoring which group they're in (grand mean)
Total variation (SS total)
=variation between groups + variation within groups
variation between groups
is the variation caused by which group you are in
variation within groups
variation within each group/between humans
number of groups
total number of participants in all groups
MS (mean square)
large F statistic
there is a large difference between at least two of the groups
eta squared
(Between groups SS)/(Total SS)
analyzing eta squared
-less than or equal to .09, small effect -between .09 and .25, medium effect -greater than or equal to .25, large effect
Same Variance assumption
Variance should not be 4 times larger in one group than another, so standard deviations should not be more than two times larger in one group
null hypothesis
all group means are equal
alternative hypothesis
at least one group mean is not equal to another
post hoc test
only done following a reject the null conclusion. uses independent t tests of groups to find which groups are different from one another
number of comparisons used for post hoc
Bonferroni correction
adjusts the alpha level for each of the post-hoc tests to be equal to .05/(number of comparisons)