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Emotion coaching
monitor children’s emotions, view negative emotions as teachable moments, assist children in labeling emotions, teach how to deal with emotions
Emotion dismissing
tend to deny, ignore, or attempt to change negative emotions
belief in one’s own ability and evaluation of worth; connected to parent behavior (elevated)
Self Concept
understanding of self (boy/girl and big/little)
Internalizing problems
turn emotions inward
Externalizing Problems
difficulty controlling emotional expression – turn emotions outward
Types of Play
• Constructive
• Sociodramatic
• Rough and tumble
Evolution of Play
• Solitary
• Onlooker
• Parallel
• Cooperative
Types of Parenting styles
Authoritarian, permissive, authoritative, neglectful/uninvolved, intrusive/overinvolved
Authoritarian Parenting
parents are not to be questioned, punishment is strict
and usually physical, children’s opinion is not valued, rarely show emotion
Permissive Parenting
few demands, lax discipline, low expectations of children, nurturing, accepting
Authoritative Parenting
set limits and enforce rules but listen to their children.
indifference, unaware
low expectations, high anxiety, over-protective
Types of punishment
• Physical
• Associated with higher levels of immediate compliance and aggression, but lower levels of moral internalization (Gershoff, 2002)
• Psychological control – use of guilt, threats to withdraw love and support,
• Social punishments
• Time out
• Induction – talk with the child to help them understand what they did wrong.
TV watching and effects of
decreased physical activity, increased risk of obesity, negative impacts on mental health (like anxiety and depression), cognitive decline, and in children, potential for behavioral issues due to exposure to violent content on TV.
Types of aggression
• Instrumental/Proactive – hurtful behavior that is intended to get or keep something that another person has
• Reactive -- retaliation*
• Relational aggression
• Bullying
Sociocultural gender theory
Gender expression varies depending on cultural
Behaviorism gender theory
• Behavior that is gender appropriate is rewarded more than behavior that is not
• Observation of adults (social learning)
Cognitive Gender Theory
• Categorize males and females as opposites. Build
schemas about characteristics of males and females;
categorize themselves as male or female and behave in ways that fit their concept.
Epigenetic Gender Theory
• Role of biology and interaction with experience
(relationships, reaction to stress, internalizing/externalizing).