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classical criminology
A theory of crime suggesting that criminal behavior is a matter of personal choice, made after the individual considers its costs and benefits, and that the criminal behavior reflects the needs of the offender.
Rational (choice theory)
The view that crime is a function of a decision-making process in which the potential offender weighs the potential costs and benefits of an illegal act.
offense-specific crime
The view that an offender reacts selectively to the characteristics of a particular criminal act.
offender-specific crime
The view that offenders evaluate their skills, motives, needs, and fears before deciding to commit the criminal act.
johns - term refers to
men who solicit sex workers
situational crime prevention
A method of crime prevention that seeks to eliminate or reduce particular crimes in specific settings.
defensible space
The principle that crime can be prevented or displaced by modifying the physical environment to reduce the opportunity that individuals have to commit crime.
do gated communities help prevent crime in the area?
yes it reduced the risk of burglary
An effect that occurs when efforts to prevent one crime unintentionally prevent another.
An effect that occurs when crime control efforts targeting a particular locale help reduce crime in surrounding areas and populations.
An effect that occurs when crime control efforts simply move, or redirect, offenders to less heavily guarded alternative targets.
An effect that occurs when crime reduction programs produce a short-term positive effect, but benefits dissipate as criminals adjust to new conditions.
An effect that occurs when criminals try new offenses they had previously avoided because situational crime prevention programs neutralized their crime of choice.
general deterrence
A crime control policy that depends on the fear of criminal penalties convincing the potential law violator that the pains associated with crime outweigh its benefits.
marginal deterrence
Occurs when a relatively more severe penalty will produce some reduction in crime.
restrictive (partial) deterrence
Refers to situations in which the threat of punishment can reduce but not eliminate crime.
specific deterrence
The view that criminal sanctions should be so powerful that offenders will never repeat their criminal acts.
incapacitation effect
The idea that keeping offenders in confinement will eliminate the risk of their committing further offenses.
rational (choice) theory strengths
explains why high-risk people do not constantly engage in crime. Relates theory to crime control policy. It is not limited by class or other social variables.
focuses on crime patterns how when where why
General deterrence strengths
Shows the relationship between crime and punishment. Suggests a real solution to crime. (perception of punishment influences crime rate)
specific deterrence strengths
provides a strategy to reduce crime (especially recidivism and repeat offender)
Recognizes the role that opportunity plays in criminal behavior. Provides a solution to chronic offending.
Focuses on prison population / crime rate / sentence length
Trait theory
the view that criminality is a product of abnormal biological or psychological traits.
The view that human behavior is motivated by inborn biological urges to survive and preserve the species.
individual vulnerability model
Assumes there is a direct link between traits and crime; some people are vulnerable to crime from birth.
Differential susceptibility model
The belief that there is an indirect association between traits and crime.
Personal Characteristics Make Each Person Unique (TRAITS)
Biochemical makeup
Genetic code
Neurological condition
Social (Environment) Influences Behavior
Traits and environment play a role in abilities to learn and achieve influencing human behavior to either ____ to the laws of society, or turn to ____
conform, crime
A condition that occurs when glucose (sugar) in the blood falls below levels necessary for normal and efficient brain functioning.
male sex horomone (forrm of adrenaline) produces aggression
Premenstrual syndrome PMS
Condition, postulated by some theorists, wherein several days before and during menstruation excessive amounts of female sex hormones stimulate antisocial, aggressive behavior.
the study of brain activity
conduct disorder
A pattern of repetitive behavior in which the rights of others or social norms are violated.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 132). (Function). Kindle Edition.
ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
A developmentally inappropriate lack of attention, along with impulsivity and hyperactivity.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 133). (Function). Kindle Edition.
Chemical compounds that influence or activate brain functions.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 133). (Function). Kindle Edition.
arousal theory
The view that people seek to maintain a preferred level of arousal but vary in how they process sensory input. A need for high levels of environmental stimulation may lead to aggressive, violent behavior patterns.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 134). (Function). Kindle Edition.
monozygotic twins MZ
identical twins
DZ dizygotic twins
non identical
psychodynamic (psychoanalytic) psychology
Theory, originated by Freud, that the human personality is controlled by unconscious mental processes that develop early in childhood and involve the interaction of id, ego, and superego.
The primitive part of people’s mental makeup, present at birth, that represents unconscious biological drives for food, sex, and other life-sustaining necessities. The id seeks instant gratification without concern for the rights of others.
The part of the personality developed in early childhood that helps control the id and keep people’s actions within the boundaries of social convention.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 138). (Function). Kindle Edition.
The part of the personality representing the conscience, formed in early life by internalization of the standards of parents and other models of behavior.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 138). (Function). Kindle Edition.
attachment theory
Bowlby’s theory that being able to form an emotional bond to another person is an important aspect of mental health throughout the life span.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 138). (Function). Kindle Edition.
behavior theory
The view that all human behavior is learned through a process of social reinforcement (rewards and punishment).
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 138). (Function). Kindle Edition.
social learning theory
The view that human behavior is modeled through observation of human social interactions, either directly from observing those who are close and from intimate contact, or indirectly through the media. Interactions that are rewarded are copied, while those that are punished are avoided.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 138). (Function). Kindle Edition.
behavior modeling
The process of learning behavior (notably, aggression) by observing others. Aggressive models may be parents, criminals in the neighborhood, or characters on television or in movies.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 139). (Function). Kindle Edition.
cognitive theory
Psychological perspective that focuses on the mental processes by which people perceive and represent the world around them and solve problems.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 139). (Function). Kindle Edition.
information-processing theory
Theory that focuses on how people process, store, encode, retrieve, and manipulate information to make decisions and solve problems.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 141). (Function). Kindle Edition.
The reasonably stable patterns of behavior, including thoughts and emotions, that distinguish one person from another.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 142). (Function). Kindle Edition.
antisocial personality
Combination of traits, such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, hedonism, and inability to empathize with others, that make a person prone to deviant behavior and violence; also referred to as sociopathic or psychopathic personality.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 143). (Function). Kindle Edition.
nature theory
The view that intelligence is largely determined genetically and that low intelligence is linked to criminal behavior.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 144). (Function). Kindle Edition.
nurture theory
The view that intelligence is not inherited but is largely a product of environment. Low IQ scores do not cause crime but may result from the same environmental factors.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 144). (Function). Kindle Edition.
mood disorder
A condition in which the prevailing emotional mood is distorted or inappropriate to the circumstances.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 146). (Function). Kindle Edition.
oppositional defiant disorder ODD
A pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior, during which a child often loses her or his temper, often argues with adults, and often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults’ requests or rules.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 146). (Function). Kindle Edition.
A severe disorder marked by hearing nonexistent voices, seeing hallucinations, and exhibiting inappropriate responses.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 146). (Function). Kindle Edition.
bipolar disorder
An emotional disturbance in which moods alternate between periods of wild elation and deep depression.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 146). (Function). Kindle Edition.
primary prevention programs
Programs, such as substance abuse clinics and mental health associations, that seek to treat personal problems before they manifest themselves as crime.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 148). (Function). Kindle Edition.
secondary prevention programs
Programs that provide treatment, such as psychological counseling, to youths and adults after they have violated the law.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 148). (Function). Kindle Edition.
stratified society
People grouped according to economic or social class; characterized by the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and prestige.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 160). (Function). Kindle Edition.
social class
Segment of the population whose members are at a relatively similar economic level and who share attitudes, values, norms, and an identifiable lifestyle.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 160). (Function). Kindle Edition.
culture of poverty
A separate lower-class culture, characterized by apathy, cynicism, helplessness, and mistrust of social institutions such as schools, government agencies, and the police, that is passed from one generation to the next.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 160). (Function). Kindle Edition.
The lowest social stratum in any country, whose members lack the education and skills needed to function successfully in modern society.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 161). (Function). Kindle Edition.
social structure theory
The view that disadvantaged economic class position is a primary cause of crime.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 162). (Function). Kindle Edition.
social disorganization theory
Branch of social structure theory that focuses on the breakdown in inner-city neighborhoods of institutions such as the family, school, and employment.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 164). (Function). Kindle Edition.
strain theory
Branch of social structure theory that sees crime as a function of the conflict between people’s goals and the means available to obtain them.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 164). (Function). Kindle Edition.
The anger, frustration, and resentment experienced by people who believe they cannot achieve their goals through legitimate means.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 164). (Function). Kindle Edition.
cultural deviance theory
Branch of social structure theory that sees strain and social disorganization together resulting in a unique lower-class culture that conflicts with conventional social norms.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 164). (Function). Kindle Edition.
A set of values, beliefs, and traditions unique to a particular social class or group within a larger society.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 164). (Function). Kindle Edition.
transitional neighborhood
An area undergoing a shift in population and structure, usually from middle-class residential to lower-class mixed-use.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 165). (Function). Kindle Edition.
social ecology school
An interdisciplinary approach to the study of interdependent social and environmental problems that cause crime.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 167). (Function). Kindle Edition.
concentration effect
As working-class and middleclass families flee inner-city poverty-ridden areas, the most disadvantaged population is consolidated in urban ghettos.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 169). (Function). Kindle Edition.
collective efficacy
Social control exerted by cohesive communities and based on mutual trust, including intervention in the supervision of children and maintenance of public order.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 169). (Function). Kindle Edition.
street efficacy
A concept in which more cohesive communities with high levels of social control and social integration foster the ability for kids to use their wits to avoid violent confrontations and to feel safe in their own neighborhood. Adolescents with high levels of street efficacy are less likely to resort to violence themselves or to associate with delinquent peers.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 171). (Function). Kindle Edition.
The view that anomie results when socially defined goals (such as wealth and power) are universally mandated but access to legitimate means (such as education and job opportunities) is stratified by class and status.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 173). (Function). Kindle Edition.
institutional anomie theory
The view that anomie pervades U.S. culture because the drive for material wealth dominates and undermines social and community values.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 174). (Function). Kindle Edition.
american dream
The goal of accumulating material goods and wealth through individual competition; the process of being socialized to pursue material success and to believe it is achievable.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 174). (Function). Kindle Edition.
relative deprivation
Envy, mistrust, and aggression resulting from perceptions of economic and social inequality.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 175). (Function). Kindle Edition.
general strain theory GST
The view that multiple sources of strain interact with an individual’s emotional traits and responses to produce criminality.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 175). (Function). Kindle Edition.
negative affective states
Anger, frustration, and adverse emotions produced by a variety of sources of strain.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 176). (Function). Kindle Edition.
focal concerns
Values, such as toughness and street smarts, that have evolved specifically to fit conditions in lower-class environments.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 179). (Function). Kindle Edition.
cultural transmission
Process whereby values, beliefs, and traditions are handed down from one generation to the next.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 179). (Function). Kindle Edition.
delinquent subculture
A value system adopted by lower-class youths that is directly opposed to that of the larger society.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 181). (Function). Kindle Edition.
status frustration
A form of culture conflict experienced by lower-class youths because social conditions prevent them from achieving success as defined by the larger society.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 181). (Function). Kindle Edition.
middle-class measuring rods
The standards by which authority figures, such as teachers and employers, evaluate lower-class youngsters and often prejudge them negatively.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 182). (Function). Kindle Edition.
reaction formation
Irrational hostility evidenced by young delinquents, who adopt norms directly opposed to middleclass goals and standards that seem impossible to achieve.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 183). (Function). Kindle Edition.
differential opportunity
The view that lower-class youths, whose legitimate opportunities are limited, join gangs and pursue criminal careers as alternative means to achieve universal success goals.
Siegel, Larry. Criminology: The Core (p. 183). (Function). Kindle Edition.