The 12 Tables
The Twelve Roman Tables were the legislation and foundation of Roman law. The tables turned early traditions into enduring laws, and stated the rights of the Roman citizens.
12 Tables social class
Political, it states the law and rights of Rome.
A special channel used to transport fresh water to highly populated areas of Rome.
Aqueduct social class
Economic, it costs materials and money to make these, and they were highly advanced.
The highest elected political office of the Roman Republic. Considered the second-highest level of the Cursus Honorum.
Consul social class
Political, the Roman Consul was elected by the Centuriate Assembly, and consisted of two Consuls each serving jointly for a one-year term.
Centuriate Assembly
One of the three voting assemblies in the Roman Constitution.
Cursus Honorum
The sequential order of public offices which was held by aspiring politicians within the Roman Republic.
A follow or adherent of a teacher.
Disciple class
Social, disciple imitates the life and teachings of the master, which can cause philosophist ideas to spread.
bread and circuses
How the politicians maintained public approval through distraction.
bread and circuses social class
Political, social, and economical. This is because the poet who wrote this centered it around politicians, and caused a philosophical idea to spread, and the Romans were buying bread and performing shows to get the citizens to vote which was economical.
Latifundia (sing latifundium)
A latifundium was any large ancient Roman agricultural estate that used a large number of peasant or slave labourers.
Latifundia social class
Economic, it was a large plot of land, and costed money to maintain.
Soldiers that were hired to fight instead of being part of the national defense system.
Mercenaries social class
Economical, they went where the money was rather than fighting for a specific area.
Pax Romana
A 200 year span of straight peace.
Pax Romana social class
Econimcal. It caused unprecedented peace and economic prosperity all throughtout the Roman Empire.
The military, political, and religious ¨¨¨¨fathers¨ of Rome.
Patrician social class
Political and social. They were the patricians of Rome, which means the ¨fathers¨ with control over many aspects of the empire. In addition, many were wealthy landowners from old families, but a select few could become patricians if promoted by the emperor.
All free Roman citizens who were not members of the patrician, senatorial, or equestrian classes.
Plebeian social class
Social, a plebeian was a social class of Rome, they were often average people who worked hard to support their families and pay taxes.
The main government of Rome, consisting of the Senate, the Consuls, and the Assemblies.
Republic social class
Political, it was the main government of Rome.
An elected official in Ancient Rome. Usually in the army.
Tribune social class
Political and social, they held power over the plebeians and could propose bills to be voted over.