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what do cells contain,why
Cells contain chemicals which react to produce electricity.
what does the voltage produced by a cell depend on?
The voltage produced by a cell depends on ie the electrode and electrolyte.
how can we produce electricity
if we take 2 different metals and place them into an electrolyte we can produce electricity
hwo do we make simple cell?
A simple cell can be made by connecting two different metals in contact with an electrolyte.
what do batteries consist of and why?
Batteries consist of two or more cells connected together in series to provide a greater voltage.
non recharble cells and batteries what stops and why
In non-rechargeable cells and batteries the chemical reactions stop when one of the reactants has been used up.
what type of batteries are non rechargable
Alkaline batteries are non-rechargeable.
what type of batteries are rechargable
Rechargeable cells and batteries can be recharged because the chemical reactions are reversed when an external electrical current is supplied
Fuel cells are supplied by an external source of fuel (eg hydrogen) and oxygen or air. The fuel is oxidised electrochemically within the fuel cell to produce a potential difference.
The overall reaction in a hydrogen fuel cell involves the oxidation of hydrogen to produce water.
Hydrogen fuel cells offer a potential alternative to rechargeable cells and batteries.
a cell can only produce electricity for a certain period of time,eventually the chemical in the cell runs out and the reaction stops
cells only produce electricity if we use metals with different reactivities
the greater the difference between the reactivity of the metals the greater the potential difference produced by the cell
why ae alkaline batteries non rechargabel?
in alkaline batteries at some point the reactants in the batteries run out and no more electricitiy is produced,there is no way that we can reverse these reactions so they are non rechargable batteries
why can rechargable batteries be recharged?
rechargabel batteries can be rechagred we cna reverse the chemical reactions when we apply an electrical current
in a fuel cell we react to fuel like hydrogen with pure oxygen or air ,inside the fuel cell a chem reaction takes place producing an electric current
whats the only watse product in hydrogen fuel cell
water is the only waste product in hydrogen fuel cell
main adv of hydrogen fuel cells
hydrogen fuel cells produce electricity as long as you provide hydrogen
disadv1 of rechargble batteries
rechargable batteries run out and need to be recharged
adv2 of hydrogen fuel cells
hydrogen fuel cells dont get less efficient the longer they run
disadv2 of rechargble batteries
rechargble batteries can store less eelctricity the more charging cycles they go through and eventually need to be replaced
adv 3 of hydrogen fuel cells what source can it be
hydrogen fuel cells can be a source of drinkable water e.g on space craft
disadv1 of hydrogen fuel cells
hydrogen fuel cells run on hydrogen which is an expolsive gas and is very difficult to store safley
adv 1 of rechargable batteries
no dangerous fuels required with rechargable batteries some types of rechargabel batteries can catch fire if not manafactured correctly
disadv 2hydrogen fuel cells
hydrogen fuel cells produce a relatively low potential difference or voltage so several are needed together
adv 2rechargable batteries
rechargable batteries can produce a greater potential diff than hydrogen fuel cell